Lifestyle changes and bladder retraining


Staff member
I have multiple sclerosis and a neurogenic bladder. I have incontience.
I am fed up with diapers and want tone of them ASAP. I have a urology appointment that I'm so nervous about it's driving me nuts. In the meantime I've put myself on a bathroom schedule to go every other hour. That works at home but public is a different story. Has anyone tried lifestyle changes and bladder training to regain control? If so how did it work? How long until you were dry?
Because I had a sphincterotomy, no amount of bladder re-training will ever keep me dry. However, I have had several cycles of pelvic floor physical therapy. It is embarrassing, and does not offer a cure. However, it did teach me exercises and assisted me with diet and bowel management techniques, which have made my life much easier.
I have severe urge incontinence that is the result of a surgical mishap 60 years ago. Over the years, I tried bladder retraining and Kegel exercises, amongst other things, in an effort to regain at least daytime continence. However, about 30 years ago, I finally realized that what I really wanted was the capacity to do whatever I needed or wanted to do and generally just go about living normally without having to worry about what my bladder was going to do. Diapers have given me the security I needed to live an almost normal life. I hope you find what works best for you quicker than I did.
I have stress incontinence, and wearing diapers help, but it is not the best solution because of how often you have to change. Has anyone heard of any medicine that would help with this problem ?
Granted that no two people respond to the drugs commonly prescribed for incontinence, my experience was that they were all side effect, no cure, and my kidneys were still threatened. If the drugs work for you, wonderful. If they don't, you will need to find another solution.
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