Leaking 28 months after RP


Staff member
My leaking persists over 2 years following Prostate removal, and it seems to be getting worse. I stopped kegels 4 months after surgery. At this point, would starting up daily kegels help me? Any medication recommendations? Ideas? Thanks.
I had PR removal 4 months ago and seem to be improving a little doing occasional kegels, walking and going to gym 3 times wk. However have friends who have had PR years ago, never did kegels, were essentially dry several months later and still are except for a very occasional slight leakage when laughing, sneezing, etc. Seems recovery is unpredictable.
@Mistered Talk with a urologist to get you into see a pelvic floor physical therapist. After physical therapy, you may have test to see if you qualify (health wise - body and bladder) for a male urethral sling or artificial urinary sphincter.

I had the male urethral sling surgery 12 months after prostatectomy. Depending on leakage and health, the artificial urinary sphincter.
My removal was Aug 2019. I am also noticing more leakage lately. Haven't done kegels in a long time, but I exercise. I am meeting with the urologist next week. Part of the discussion will be about mechanism to deal with leakage. Might be time.
I’m 4 years out from RP and still leaking about 1&1/2 per day. Exercise like a fiend, which benefits the rest of my health, but probably limited benefit to sphincter. Done a zillion kegels in different ways. Drawing in penis, breathing and tightening P Floor, just tightening while breathing, walking, etc. I think recovery - other than luck - is dependent upon age, pre-conditions, and surgeon skills. Working on ED with vacuum but still reluctant to use bi or tri injections. The good part, as the surgeon would say, is I’m still undetectable for PSA levels. Any recommendations are always appreciated

I take daily tadalafil 10 mg (generic cialis purchased using GoodRX).

I did the trimix shots for 9 months, then did not need them.

The trimix injections does make a big difference in seeing what life is in the old soldier. I was reluctant and there were a few times that I said not today for the Trimix injections. Overall I am glad to did the Trimix to help the blood and nerves connect.

I was concerned about being dependent on the injections. I did them weekly, then up to three times a week, then went down to twice a week, then weekly over the 9 month period.
@Denardis hits the nail on the head. Recovery is unpredictable. Your pre-op health and continence, tumour size and position, level of nerve sparing, surgeon skill and experience, and luck all play a part in how the dice fall.
I'm five years out from surgery and incontinent. Period.
Kegels and medication didn't help in my case, and I won't consider a sling or AUS procedure. I had a pulmonary embolysm after my prostatectomy which left me with breathlessness, chronic fatigue and brain fog. I won't risk another surgery, so absorbent pads are a part of my life now.
Regarding kegels, @Mistered, they may not work for you, but they have no adverse side effects. Better to give them a go before you think about medication or surgery, which each carry their own risks.

I live in Houston, TX. At a local compounding pharmacy I paid $100 for a 5 mg vial and 20 syringes.

I looked at few mail order places that ranged from $150 to $200 per vial because of the cold shipping.

I am able to get 35 doses per vial because I also take daily tadalafil 10 mg (generic cialis).

My initial dose of 15 units (0.15 ml or 0.15 cc) created a 6 hour erection. I suggest taking four 30 mg sudafed (the 4 hour not 12 hour) at the first hour of erection - do not wait until hour 3 or 4 because you will be calling the doctor.

The initial dose in the doctor office cost $185 - not covered by insurance. I recommend having the first dose around 10 AM so that you can contact the doctor if needed.

My regular dose is 0.04 ml ( or 0.04 cc) with me taking four 30 mg tablets of sudafed at 1 hour after injection. Since I use a low dose, I use a 1/2 ml syringe instead of a 1 ml syringe. It is easier to read the individual unit.

I am fortunate that I do not need trimix any more and that my trimix erections did not hurt unless I put on cloths.

A vial will last 2 months in the refrigerator and 6 months in the freezer.
@thudson1965 Thanks for the information. I live in southern Kentucky so it will probably be more expensive here.
If you live near a city of 100,000 or more, it probably has a compounding pharmacy.

Your prescribing urologist should be able to suggest where and how to fill the prescription.

If not taking daily cialis (tadalafil), I suggest giving it a try at 5 mg (use GoodRx to find best price and pharmacy information for doctor visit). tadalafil will reduce the amount of Trimix you need to use per injection thus reduce any related pain.
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