
@Marlondb In my case, the root of my incontinence is Neurogenic Bladder, so no, there is no surgery to correct that.

Overall, when it comes to female incontinence, we have farrrrrrrr fewer options than you men do.

Some women who had multiple pregnancies can insert a pessary into their vagina, which only helps with stress incontinence. It’s similar to a diaphragm used for birth control. It puts pressure on the vaginal wall in an attempt to apply pressure on the urethra. They’re obnoxious, awkward, painful, and sometimes slip out. They have no benefit for OAB, nocturia, enuresis, etc.

Women can have a hysterectomy to prevent/halt uterine and bladder prolapse. Prolapse occurs when all your guts slip out your vagina, sometimes including your bladder. Prolapse is vile, and happens to most women eventually. My great aunts survived it.

A hysterectomy as a solution is no picnic. It’s one of the riskiest and longest surgeries done on humans. The recovery is also very risky and a nightmare. I know because I’ve had one. They cut out a lot more than just the uterus. You’re never the same again, chemically. Your personality changes forever. It sucks.

It’s hilarious to me how men cringe at the idea of inserting something as puny as a laxative into their body, while we women have to put things in our body five days a month, for nearly every month of our lives, AND things like pessaries, yeast infection medication, catheters, and on and on and on.

It’s nobody’s fault, but it’s obnoxious. Men have it so easy. You have so fewer internal tissues that can become cancerous than do women. It’s not fair, but it’s life... or sometimes death.
@Marlondb No, I’m a woman and don’t have a prostate. Therefore, I have not had prostate surgery.

I had cancer in several of my female reproductive organs and had to have a hysterectomy to cut it all out. The hysterectomy did not affect my incontinence in any way because my incontinence is caused by catastrophic nerve damage to my spine when I fell down a cliff. My incontinence has nothing to do with cancer, nor surgery.
Tim - It is somewhat rare but men can get breast cancer.

Snow -I had a hysterectomy at 32 years of age, only the uterus not the ovaries. This was to relieve pressure on my bladder, I totally recovered from the surgery, after 6 weeks. I did continue to ovulate and each month I could tell when that was happening. My personality didn't change after the sugery except that I felt a lot more independent. I have a 32 year old granddaughter who will be having her third c-section baby in December (this will be her fifth child). Her surgery is a lot like the hysterectomy. My weight began to gradually increase when I became less active in my 50's, but only less than a pound a year which is probably normal for most aging people. But The prolapsed bladder did come along in my late 50's. I didn't know what it was when I first saw it. It looked like somebody had blown a bubble gum bubble that was hanging out of my vagina. I had no idea what was happening.

I am of the generation of women who were discouraged from knowing about their bodies. Knowing anything about the body, much less talking about it to anyone else, was considered a sin! So even though I had been married 57 years and had multiple pregnancies and I knew about the clitoris, I didn't know where it was located until I was around 65 years old. My mother, married 49 years and had multiple affairs, never experienced an orgasm, but she did like sex! Maybe this is TMI!
@ritanofsinger Thanks for sharing! Not TMI! We have to keep each other informed! I’m so sorry you experienced prolapse. I’m terrified of it. It runs in my family so it may come my way. I sure hate aging!
Hi @ritanofsinger, Thank God things have changed over the years for the better as women should know about their bodies. And thankfully talking about it is not a sin these days!
And @snow, I think you have a long way to go before you need to think of aging. I always like to say, "aging? It sure bests the alternative!"
If aging means you can't type then I sure plead guilty to that! :O Looking at the post right above, I should have said, "aging? It sure BEATS the alternative!" :oops:
I did not see the error you refer to until you drew it to my attention. I looked at the sentence and my brain read it like you intended. Aren't we something?
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