Kegel exercise device recommendations, post RP


Staff member

Does anyone who had Radical Prostatectomy surgery have any recommendations for devices that help with Kegel exercises? 7 weeks after the surgery I think I am doing Kegel exercises correctly, but incontinence is getting worse with time instead of better. Like a faucet that is dripping all the time.

Thank You to anyone who can recommend something that seemed to help.
I do not have device but I was similar. I got physical pelvic floor therapy and continued with kegels and exercises and have significantly improved. I am 3 1/2 mo the removed from surgery and am going first day without a pad and doing fine
Hello Dpalena,
Thank you for replying - I may need to look into finding pelvic floor therapy. Congratulations on your progress and good luck.
@qdave7 Getting a good pelvic floor therapist is your best bet. Mine was excellent. You might also try YouTube. There are many videos that are very informative. I also installed a few apps that helped with reminders and tracking.
Good luck!
Hi - I’m 11 weeks post op from an RP with nerve sparing. The first weeks are always the worst. I’m now dry at night and get through a couple of lightweight pads a day. It’s been a very slow and gradual process. I’m still doing regular Kegel sessions a couple of times a day (down from 3). I did try using the Tens pelvic floor exerciser but wasn’t impressed. It involved putting the Tens probe into my rectum. Not great. I don’t think it really did any good. Stick with the pelvic floor exercises.
Gdave7 I was beside myself with grief due to out of control urinary incontinence as well as lack of support from urologist. It felt like my world collapsed. I would void non-stop into a diper the moment an upright move was executed . During the first consultation with physiotherapist she asked me to give it time-be patient and religiously do Kegel exercises . She told me that after 3 months post surgery I should star seeing improvement. She was right, this week I have noticed that I am able to walk 60 minutes on a treadmill and remain completely dry. Miracle in itself. I am still voiding a bit during walks outside but the progress is noticeable. Gdave7 keep the faith. As for devices you are inquiring about I was told by my physiotherapist that until you are sure the cancer is 100 % gone not to use any devices. I have a first blood test for PMS read- out scheduled soon so if I am clear I'd get one myself. My physiotherapist recommended the one with anal probe. Something like this I think . I am not recommending this device or any other . This image is for exemple purposes only
Hi. Generally kegel exercises should be done in sets of 10 not more than 3 or 4 times a day. Doing more than that can sometimes have the opposite effect and cause the sphincter muscle to become fatigued. It is definitely a balance. You didn’t mention anything about the number of times a day you are doing them but thought I would just throw it out there just in case.
Please use the search/magnifying glass above, then type in “kegel.” We cover the same topics here over and over and over again when they’ve already been covered countless times. After you click on search, then click on “advanced search options” and you’ll see that you can search for the past three months, the past six months, the past 12 months, or all. You type what you’re searching for into the rectangle. The less specific you are, the better. For instance, if you want to talk about diapers, just search for the word diaper, diapers, or pull-ups. Just use one word at a time. I would look up all past history. This is something everybody needs to become familiar with because if you make your post today, you may miss out on information from past members that was very specifically helpful and the best advice you’ll get. Using advanced search will also enable you to look up all the advice that has been given by a particular person in the event that you’re trying to remember something you saw that they wrote. There should be the first thing that we all do before posting a new topic.
I echo the suggestions to do kegels and consult with a physical therapist. My kegel regimen for the past year is 10 reps of 5 second muscle contractions followed by 5 second rest and 6 reps of "quick" contractions, 1 sec contraction with 1 sec rest. I do this 6 times/day. There are phone apps that you can download that remind you to do the kegels and help you do them effectively. The app I have been using is called "Easy Kegel". Search "KPFL" to find in your apple or android app store. The basic service is available to download at no cost.
@snow Thanks for this, Snow. I've been looking for something like that. But where is this "search/magnifying glass above" you mention? I can't find anything like that. Maybe I'm looking at it an just not seeing it?!!

On my iPhone, it’s near the top of the page. Here’s a photo of it.

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