Journey of a Thousand Steps


Staff member
Good morning,

Anybody who is out there who are enduring the cold weather who are in the Northeast or Canada, etc - please dress warm and stay warm!

Also, as the weather coldens and you are turning on your heat and radiators indoors, please make sure you are checking what is on top of your radiaters for fire safety purposes. Also, make sure your window curtains are not sitting in front of your heaters.

Today i walked out in the cold - but i wouldnt have had it any other way. I unfortunately am without transportation at this current time - but was asked to pass the sacrament last night; but doing so - made me realize some things on this walk.

I realized; i need to dress a tad bit warmer! But i also realized; that regardless of whether we go through tradegy, hurt, and unfairness - we still have the promise of salvation.

After a long cold journey; i made it to Church this morning. Even though it was only a couple miles - it still felt like an accomplishment. Its symbolic really, at the end was the warmth!

At the end of any trial; when you walk in the Truth and head towards the Right; you will find the Light. What is Light? It is Warmth; it is Love.


Today, i am praying for all your journeys, thinking of all your steps that you all take. I stop by here; and i read you guys and gals posts, and listening and relating to some of your struggles with bladder issues and suffering with pain, etc.

One thing ive learned over the past couple of years is that nothing happens overnight; it is a journey. A road, one with twists and turns, and sometimes with a whole lot of potholes.

Always make sure with any journey, that it is for Truth, Love, and for Good!

Happy Sunday NAFC.
Thanks, Honeeecombs.

This is an analogy, another way to say what you said, but it works for me:

There is no such thing as too cold - only inadequate clothes!

Got Frost Nip on left hand a month or so ago; the first of the 4 stages of frost bite. Dang, it hurts. I was foolishly try to finish the very end of a job, outside. After, when you go out, that spot will let you know real fast if you haven't protected it enough. It burns. If any of you have had it, it becomes dangerous later, as the damage is done - So, you have to be extra careful of that place. I'm using "toe warmers" in my mitten. Ordered to use mittens instead of gloves - besides, in a mitten, you can curl your fingers into a warm palm - assuming you didn't frost the palm.

Need reliable source? Check out Frostbite article in WIKI, then go to the Cleveland Clinic website. Spoiler alert: some gross photos.

Next issue: why oh why does going out in the cold make you need to pee so bad? (You needed pants that were better insulated?)
AlasSouth said:
Thanks, Honeeecombs.

This is an analogy, another way to say what you said, but it works for me:

There is no such thing as too cold - only inadequate clothes!

Got Frost Nip on left hand a month or so ago; the first of the 4 stages of frost bite. Dang, it hurts. I was foolishly try to finish the very end of a job, outside. After, when you go out, that spot will let you know real fast if you haven't protected it enough. It burns. If any of you have had it, it becomes dangerous later, as the damage is done - So, you have to be extra careful of that place. I'm using "toe warmers" in my mitten. Ordered to use mittens instead of gloves - besides, in a mitten, you can curl your fingers into a warm palm - assuming you didn't frost the palm.

Need reliable source? Check out Frostbite article in WIKI, then go to the Cleveland Clinic website. Spoiler alert: some gross photos.

Next issue: why oh why does going out in the cold make you need to pee so bad? (You needed pants that were better insulated?)

That's a good question I don't have the answer to unfortunately. That reminds me growing up after taking a bath; I would shoot up and run to the toilet. My step dad always controlled the thermostate and i could never touch it - but something about the cold temperature. Maybe it's something the way the body reacts to the enviornment.

Cant believe I remembered that. Do you think there is a link to bladder issues as a youth and bladder issues as an young adult/adult?
@Honeeecombs Thank you for thinking of us. And thank you keeping your comments about your religious experiences as words about your own story, not forcing it on others. I’m glad religion helps you. I think it has saved your life, actually. Your posts this month have been really outstanding and I’m glad you’re here. I appreciate your analogy of The Journey. It reminds me of one of my all-time favorite song lyrics, from the song “Wear Sunscreen,”: “The race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.” - meaning, no sense in competing nor comparing yourself to others.

Brrrrrrrrr, it looks *really* cold where you are! (Michigan, maybe?) Stay warm!
Hello all. About the cold and instant need to urinate: I live in upstate NY and it can get really cold -like now. Every time I step outside I know what is going to happen to me. I will start to pee! I can remember hearing about this issue but hearing about it and experiencing it are worlds apart. I am embarrassed to say that even as an educated women I still smoke but because our home is a "no smoking" house it's on the porch for me. Sure helps to cut back I can tell you!! And because I have COPD as a result of stupidly continuing to smoke I cough. And I think we all know what happens when we cough. Yep ,mixed. As if one type wasn't enough. Anyway, I try each and everyday to let my light shine for Jesus as I would believe all Christians do. With that being said why is no one offering a ride to and from church??? Do your fellow members know you are walking? Perhaps it is a source of enjoyment for you? Just curious I spect. Best wishes to all and God bless.
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