@theMochi, I use Wellspect Lofric Origo. These are not extremely compact, but I find I can fold them up into four segments, then tuck the end of the package into a little loop that's there for that purpose, and they're decently easy to hide. I wear cargo pants to work, and I generally leave the house with four of them tucked into one of the cargo pockets. If I had to wear jeans or slacks, I'd likely have to carry a smaller number and replenish my supply throughout the day, though.
I haven't used the Speedicath Flex that @laalaauk suggests, but I've been intending to try them as they look quite good. I've used the Speedicath Compact, which come in a package about the size of a large pen, but they didn't fit all that well into the pockets of the clothes that I tend to wear. It's all very individual, though - what works perfectly for me might not work at all for someone else, and vice versa.