Irritable bowel syndrome


Staff member
I recently spoke with a doctor about some of the issues I have. After some tests he believes I have irritable bowel syndrome. Anybody else here have it and what have you done to help with it?

One of my biggest issues is if I drink really cold water it almost goes right through me. Doctor said that’s one of the bigger issues most people deal with that have it.

I know this page is mainly for incontinence, but I figure someone else on here probably deals with the same thing as I do.
I've had IBS for years. most likely as a child, though it didn't get bad until my 20's. over the years, I learned what foods would set it off and pretty much had no problems, until prostate cancer treatment. which left me incontinent and then follow up radiation, which made the ibs rear its ugly head again. and now I can't do any dairy, even lactose free, and have to stick to low gluten. but the cold water? never had an issue with that.
I had IBS many years ago (partly stress-related), and then it returned after my prostate surgery. I thought it had something to do with the antibiotics that I was on post-surgery (they mess up your gut bacteria).

I thought it would settle down, but a year later things are the same. I tried probiotics and avoided foods that aggravated it (kept a food diary). My surgery also left me with an overactive bladder and I think the IBS is connected to it. Everything in my pelvic region can go into spasm and my bladder and bowels seem to be in sympathy with one another.

For me cold water isn't an issue. The causes for IBS (both IBS-D and IBS-C) are pretty complex (everything from diet, to a medical problem, to mental/emotional issues, etc....). I would say my IBS is on the mild side, but it's still no picnic. I've found some help by taking Metamucil.

I'm glad you got it checked out with our doctor (he/she can also prescribe medication which might help if it is IBS that is the cause) although conservative approaches (like diet, stress management) are the ones to try first - so this can take a while to figure out the causes and how to manage it.

There are IBS discussion forums that you can join for helpful advice.
I have IBS for years. It comes and goes with therapy. I have one leg 1 1/2 inches shorter than the other that I believe triggers this unpleasant leaking after bowel movement. I bought a bio bidet years ago. It cleans your bottom spraying water after a bowel movement. I go from 10 or more wipes to one wipe. It helps , leaking will accrue later regardless.
Hi Claytonp so proud of you for tackling your problems and seeking answers.
This forum has many people who have the issue but you can also look at Google and get ideas on IBS what food is triggering and what is generally good food choices.
Claytonp I tried eating a yogurt called Activia that is supposed to provide probiotics which has really helped with my bowel in the summer they get very urgent and loose.

Activia yogurt is in every grocery store

Dose is one a day for ten days and see if it helps
Physical therapy. You most tell the clinic that you are experiencing any leakage. This will get you to the right therapist. They will teach you exercises that you can do at home to help the pelvic floor. Takes months before you start seeing results. I tend to stop doing exercises over time and leakage becomes a big problem. I still leak , but not as bad
Yes it is like Kegals. There are different exercises for IBM. One thing I learn was not forcing your self to poop. Training your anus muscles to open and contract normally. Don’t be embarrassed by seeing a therapist. My therapist only worked with people with IBM. Haven’t seen her in a year.
@Claytonp I have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Irritable bowel is often a related issue for us, when our disease is not flaring. There are certain food I try to avoid in bad periods. But I am always happy with the IBS issues compared to IBD - symptoms are similar, but it is even more complicated finding a cure and medication that works. IBD has left me with bowel incontinence in bad periods - no fun… The only “positive” I can say about IBD, my OAB was better when my bowel was inflamed. The bowel absorbs liquid and transfer it to the kidneys and being released as urine. With a severe inflammation all liquid stays in the bowel and is released as watery diarrhea… (sorry for TMI).
In good periods I can eat and live as normal, but in flares, I must take precautions…
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