Hi greengold, not sure if internal deodorants help with urinary odours nearly as much as they do for bowel odours. I do take the nullo internal deodorant twice a day just as I was concerned as I started having the very occasional bowel issues a few years back and just to be safe I thought I should take a internal deodorant. Probably just super self conscious of the bowel issue than what was really warranted. Lol

but whatever just laughing thinking back to it as it would happen like 3-4 times a year. So I consider myself very lucky in that regard. The other thing I would suggest if you are having urinary odours is start consuming way more fluids especially straight water. It sort of seems counterintuitive and yes it will cause you to have to go pee more however you will be diluting your pee so it will not be so concentrated and therefore will smell less. It’s sort of one of the things people do when they are new to urinary incontinence they start reducing their fluid consumption which just causes many more issues from odours, too irritating the bladder more and then the risk of urinary tract infections etc.
Not sure if consuming more fluids is something you could consider doing. Indirectly I get dry mouth symptoms from 2-3 of the medications I am on so I like to constantly nurse a beverage or water bottle throughout the day which then results in me having to urinate more which indirectly results in me having more accidents and very thankful I wear protection all the time. My other take to not start reducing my fluid consumption which may help with my urinary frequency requirements is that it probably aids my body in dumping toxins out of my body since I am on so many medications and supplements daily (like 42-45 pills a day).
It’s you give somewhere you benefit in one thing but then you are paying a price on something else. Oh the joys. All I can say is once I accepted wearing full diapers when I needed too it was just so freeing to just continue doing what I wanted too without always worrying if I was going to make it to the bathroom or where was the closest one.
I assume based on your post you are having issues with potent urinary odours and you are just seeking possible solutions. Many try increasing your water consumption, just a thought.
Wish you best of luck in whatever you do and maybe someone else can confirm or deny that internal deodorants help with urinary odours as I don’t think I have noticed a difference. But I could be delusional as I have been on them for over 2 years.