Injections for ED


Staff member
I have gotten several Private Messages on this topic since posting in reference to another related topic, so thought I would just share here for hopes that it may be helpful.

Some may have not seen the other post and some may just be afraid to ask, goes:

Many people sending me private messages on this one - HA!

It's not bad, but then, I'm not afraid of needles...

I am using Trimix and don't need very much...about 10 units.

I am also taking Tadalafil (generic Cialis) and have been using a manual pump, but noticed no sustaining progress before injections.

The injections work, for me! The Doc said vascularly, since I had NO symptoms at all BEFORE my surgery, everything is fine and it would be good to use injections so that I don't lose size (length and girth) while I wait for the nerve damage to repair/heal.

I was told that it could take 2-3 years for nerves to heal and it hasn't even been a year yet for me (Sep 2022), so still hopeful I won't need injections forever.

The injections aren't bad. The needle is small and just stings a bit. The erections are good. Not as good as the real thing, but allow me to perform adequately and satisfy my wife and myself. Most times, the erections subside without help, but if not, I take a Sudafed or two to speed up the process...better than a trip to the ER! The pharmacist at the drug store in Alabama (near Birmingham) where I had the Trimix shipped from said that he also used the drug and suggested keeping some Sudafed on hand!

Hope that helps...let me know if you have any other questions. I'm pretty much an open book!

Oh, one last thing...although, I suppose you could inject yourself, I find it easier to have my wife do that part. If you have a partner that's willing, it is just safer to have them do it. You don't want to hit a vein or anything...also, always on the side...never top or bottom. Urethra (urine) is on the bottom and I think nerves on the top.

Good luck, good success and +God+bless+
Very similar to my experience using bimix. Thanks for the post. I had surgery in December 2020 and started showing improvement without meds at just over two years but still not adequate.
Thanks for the post, you answered my questions I was going to ask my doctor tomorrow when I get instructions on injections. You’re right on time. My PR surgery was more than 2 years ago and still no good erections with meds. So the next step is injections. A few months ago I had the AUS implant, which is working well. As you can see I’m having success with each obstacle placed in front of me. I’m hoping this will be the final step for full satisfaction. Still cancer free. Yeah!! Good luck to all and never give up.
Thanks for the post and everyone really needs to remember that cancer free is the ultimate goal. The other things matter and make life better but there has to be life for anything else to matter.
@iuwogeo, your timing could not have been better. Thank you for sharing. You have given me some hope.
Glad it helped!

I knew nothing about all this before I had to go down this path, so just trying to 'give back'!!!

I think I am ready to try the injections also. 57 years old and 10 months post RP. Incontinence down to light pad per day but no erections. Using pump few times a week but clamp is kind of uncomfortable.
7 month past my prostotectomy Im 64 and no sign of erection progress im going in this month for the give me injection instructions, something I have not heard anything on is how many of us have urine climax and how long will it last.
Ok, so I am seeing this repeatedly and have a question. I am definitely not inclined to blame my surgeon for the issues I have, but out of curiosity I would like to know the hospital where some of you had prostate surgery. Mine was Vanderbilt and I mine was a little complicated. Vanderbilt University is approximately 3 hours from where I live. If no one wants to share that information I totally understand.
I’m in Pennsylvania. Really think most doctors don’t tell patients the truth concerning RP surgery. A friend that had it few years before me told me he wished me well, but you won’t be able to get a hard on after. Was hoping he was wrong, but so far he is a prophet.
I am 55 yrs old in Mobile, AL - had my surgery at Mobile Infirmary hospital.

I knew there would be ED issues, as they try not to damage the nerves as best they can, but...sometimes they have to even remove nerves on one side, but always try to leave the other side. I was told up front that it may take as long as 2-3 years for the nerves to heal and get over the trauma, so it was best to use injections, if necessary to preserve the vascular function while wait on nerve damage to heal/repair. That was not a shock... I was told that because I had zero issues before the surgery, that I should regain normal function at some point...I guess we will see.

There are many things I did NOT they were going to remove my seminal vesticles...heck, I didn't even know I HAD seminal vesticles! LOL I also did not know the extent of the incontinence or ED. I was told with no symptoms prior to, I would recover and be 'dry' again (which I might - made great progress, not 100% yet, but not even been a year post-RP yet, so...) but, I had no idea how bad the incontinence would be after the catheter was removed or even what and how to deal with it. They didn't even tell me what to bring with me for that visit so that I could even make it home! It was all NEW to me...they found me some diapers to leave in and had to stop at the store on the way home. I was clueless/ignorant of all that. This FORUM helped SO MUCH!!!

Bottom line to me: I had cancer and now I don't. If it comes back, I will do the radiation. I don't feel like there is a choice when it comes to having cancer. It HAS to go! I hear so many say, the Drs don't tell you EVERYTHING or you wouldn't have the surgery. I can honestly say that even if I knew then what I know now, I would still have had the surgery. To me, no other options. Not letting cancer take me out without a fight. I don't want to have to do radiation, but will I? Absolutely, if necessary!!! It would have been nice to know everything, but everyone is different and I truly believe that most Drs aren't hiding stuff from us, but maybe don't think of everything and we don't know enough at the time to ask!

Just trying to pass on what I can know as, like I said, I didn't know either, at the time, so hope this helps as many as possible!

I wouldn’t necessarily say that I went into it blind as I was given a book on the whole ordeal prior to surgery. However after reading the book and all the possibilities and things like that I was still a little bit taken aback at how long it takes to recover from everything. My surgery was 2 1/2 years ago and I’m still having some issues but overall I’m very happy. Just wish things were back like they used to be which probably won’t happen. Thank you for your post and all of your comments.
I recently saw that urologists are the highest stressed job. Maybe what we are going through is partially the reason. Even a successful surgery often leaves the patient with life changing problems. I am also happy that I am cancer free and incontinence is greatly improved but not back to normal and probably never will be. And many have worse situations than myself.
I posted some information under the "Men" subgroup. Below is the link to the post as well as the part about Trimix.

Trimix helped me regain erections. I used Trimix for 9 months starting at month 6 after prostatectomy and ending around month 15 after prostatectomy. I still take 10 mg of tadalafil (generic cialis).

3) Trimix injections - I had a difficult time starting and using these. I was shaking inserting the syringe at first. Do NOT use an auto injector - it was not the thing for me to do. I had to stop for a while because I was putting too much mental pressure on myself to use the Trimix when I was not ready.

I also had concerns about using Trimix for every erection or orgasm. I would use Trimix, then not feel like trying for an orgasm for 5 days. That was okay. After 6 weeks on Trimix, I noticed on the days trying for an orgasm without Trimix that my erections were getting firmer and at 8 weeks of using ( month 8 ) I was getting to 90% hard.

Trimix is ordered from a compounding pharmacy. It comes in a 5 ml bottle. My initial does of 0.15 cc or 0.15 ml produced a 6 hour erection. Some member in the Facebook group (link below) also reported that they had to return to the doctors office. Make sure you get your initial dose in the morning so that if there is a problem, you can return to the doctor. After 4 hours, I contacted my doctor - I took 4 30 mg Sudafed (the 4 hour pill not the 12 hour pill).

I found that 0.05 cc gave me a 4 hour erection in the beginning. You can prefill a few syringes. I found that adding an extra 0.05 cc for storage. Before use, you shake the syringe and squirt out the extra trimix. (Trimix is compounded and needs to be shaken before each use for better results.)

Trimix tips
0) Trimix is stored in the refrigerator or freezer
1) comes in a 5 ml vial
2) make sure the order comes with 20 to 40 syringes
3) Ask the doctor to include the "Undo" injectable or pills so that you do not have to go to the emergency room.
4) Have 30 mg generic Sudafed tablets on hand (After my 5th time injecting, I started taking FOUR 30 mg Sudafed tablets after one hour and each hour until my erection started to soften.)
5) I found eating and drinking 32 ounces of water worked better than the Sudafed at deflating the erection. Part of it is that I am taking my attention away from the erection. I will watch an hour of Television.
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