Incontinent After Driving


Staff member
I seems to only have this problem after I've been driving a while. When I get up off the seat I have to go and can't hold it to the bathroom. I have like a gusher in my pants. Pretty embarrassing.

Nothing wrong like getting up at night to pee. Just the driving. Not sure what it could be. PSA is low. I'm 60's.
Have you tried a portable urinal or bottle to use before getting out of car? It’s tough going for long drives when you are not sure of the next rest stop.
Try using a external catheter or penile clamp until you get this figured out. Either option will eliminate gushers!
I have the same issue. I keep a plastic cup, like a large Dunkin drink cup, that I keep in my vehicle. I make a point of finding a private place like the back of a parking lot or wherever I can and go there. People don't seem to notice and it prevents me from wetting myself. I know it uncouth, but it works for me.
I have this same problem. I've soaked myself on many occasions getting out of the car. I can't even find good padding that keeps my pants dry. It started in my 40s
So what do most urologists prescribe for this problem? Is it a prostate problem, a pelvic floor muscle problem or just something that happens?
Sounds like it might be nerve related, would urge you to get some tests done to rule out anything nasty going on down there. I know damage to the S nerves to the spine can cause incontinence as I have this myself.i get by using external catheters and leg bags which I store in my pants.
I wonder of high levels of caffeine can trigger incontinence?
SO much for drinking a couple of gallons of water a day to hydrate. Not with this problem.
Caffeine def. Increases wetting issues.
You mentioned “gushers”. Maybe it’s the product you are using? I have out of control gushers a couple times a day but with my better dry diapers with a booster I rarely have leaks unless I’m already pretty wet when I have a large flow. My gusher problems do happen in bed overnight and no matter how thick my cloth diapers are ( the only diaper that works best for me overnight) I will get my sheets somewhat or even a lot wet which I attribute to laying down, on my side, and pointing in the wrong direction.
What is interesting about this thread is the specific situation that triggers the uncontrolled voiding. While there may be a number of underling factors the common denominator is "driving in a car". The key may be the a combination of the seating position and the movement needed to exit. One question for the people dealing with this situation: Do you experience the same problem as a passenger or is it just when you are the driver? If it only occurs when someone is operating the car then the leg activity necessary to operate the brakes, gas peddle and clutch, if the car has a manual transmission, may also be part of the equation.
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