Incontinence and pain killers


Staff member
Been working the preverbial A** off (I have enough that I won't miss it), and with my disabilities, my feet, ankles, and knees are hurting pretty bad. A whole lot. I do slather on Diclofinac Gel, but the last 2 nights, was forced to use a pain killer stronger than CBD, if I wanted to sleep. Yeah, an opiate, and I hate to use them. The doc tried to give me the stronger Oxycodone (for the pain, not the incontinence) and I talked him into a milder one.
Anyway, I slept like a rock, with 2 surprising results. 1) I got up only three times to pee instead of my usual 5-6. 2) It turned out I didn't need the pads. Now, is that weird or is that weird?
Is that cause-and-effect? Darned if I know.
Anyone had a similar experience, even if it just a lot of Ibuprohen or something? Heck, maybe medical pot?
It would be a damned bad idea/excuse to use an opiate regularly, to avoid incontinence, and then you can't drive, (or operate heavy machinery or even a bicycle), but maybe something not addictive but strong enough to provide relief?
Any ideas? I can't use Ibuprophen as I already take an anti-coagulent, and Tylenol does nothing for me.
Again, I emphasize that opiates are a bad idea except for an occasional use for pain, and incontinence doesn't count.
I've not heard of any of the mental disciplines (like medetation, or even Yoga) helping, I don't think.
So, any ideas?
I take a lot of pain medication and have for 32 years. Everything from Fiorinal C1/2 to Advil. Very little works on my headaches anymore, and none of it has never made any difference whatsoever.
Thanks for the reply, Jeff. In a way, I'm fortunate my issue isn't headaches. They seem to be harder to solve than other types. I'm unfamiliar with Florinal C1/2, but it just went on my list for my next visit to urologist or any doctor treating me for pain. Arthritis, A-Fib, Peripheral Neuropathy, & old injuries (including poor genes) are at the roots of my issues.
I've concluded we were poorly designed. Okay, pain is supposed to be a warning that something is wrong. I get that. We need that. We have no way to say, "Okay, got it", and You can turn it off, pretty please!
Sometimes, the woman I live with has migraines. Sometimes, rubbing her back - or even her head - can help. There is another distraction that can help. Or used to be.
We used to have a hot tub with massage jets. That helped with relaxing enough to help. I try not to be an ass, so that can help. Politics? There is no help for that....
Caught between the devil (opiates) and the deep blue well you know what I mean
Sounds like it is not a long term fix but if you have pain that requires a dose of the strong stuff maybe enjoy the respite but you sure don't want to get addicted and then find out it was just a respite right?
The docs have a way of cutting off people from opiates so they aren't addicted who then are in pain and withdrawal from opiates.
Hi Alasouth,

Question for your peripheral neuropathy, arthritis and neuropathic pain have you tried cymbalta by any chance. I am just curious as I take cymbalta so I am not sure how much pain it has eliminated for me that I am completely unaware of. Lol

My really only complaint of it is interferes with the codeine pathway in the human body making it completely ineffective as cymbalta prevents the internal step completed inside our bodies to convert the codeine into morphine. So otherwise for pain take Advil and Tylenol and otherwise I use perocet and I have never noticed really any change on my incontinence from taking any opioids.


jwh51: it can be complicated to separate the causes. Gabapentin has been helping the PN nerve pain in same area & reduced the Restless Leg Syndrome. Am allowed to increase as needed. No one has suggested cymbalta; I'll research & ask. Thank you.
May941: They never RX many anymore, fine by me. It seems to be exercise on feet - heavy exercise - that is setting it off. Orthopedic Doc today, 2nd visit. Feet bad due arthritis, amoung other things. Foot doc thinks I need new orthodic (she's right). Well fitted & ordered inFebruary, just got call they ate in My doc was unhappy with that & dinged them. Funny, now all the sudden it happends.
I also have PN nerve pain and use oral lyrica, duloxetine, and a cream with ketamine, lidocaine, and gabapentin in versapro... works really well in combination with medical marijuana for pain management. takes pain to an acceptable 4-6 out of 10.
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