I'm not cured


Staff member
Hello friends.
It seems my issue is back.
Pain in bottom area,pelvic pain and slight feeling of urination.
I honestly think i have cpps.
It makes the most sense.
It seems that stress is what causes flare ups.
I am stressed at the moment with family issues.
I won't go back to urology that place is a joke.
Sorry to hear it. Family stress is very hard on our systemsI dont remeber what you e tried for medical relief. Sounds like a pad to catch leaks is your best help right now.
Cpps? I personally dont care what they call it. A name doesn't change the problem.
I met with my Uro last week. It took me 15 min to get the "new" paperwork done, even though I have been going to them for years. Once the doctor came in, she spent all of 3.5 min with me and then said good bye with no help what so ever. It really is disappointing and this is supposed to be one of the best in my area.
Geeeezzzz, wetdad, not much of a visit was it?:( It seems that medical "care" nowadays is so consumed with doing paperwork and not much else. Maybe if there is a nurse or someone else at that outfit with whom you can confide maybe you can demand (nicely of course!) to meet with the doc for a more comprehensive face-to-face. It seems you may have had some questions to ask and of course such a stingy amount of time is not sufficient to ask them. Or you can always try a different urologist if your friends and acquaintances know of a good one. Know the song, "I can't get no satisfaction." Hope you get satisfaction soon!
Doesn't it make you wonder what sort of person goes to medical school and decides to specialize in Urology?
A whole lot of uncomfortable tests to administer. Operations that might or might not make things better or worse. Meds with limited help and unlimited side effects.
I'm curious because I knew an ophthalmologist who said it was a very satisfying field because advances in helping the blind see happen so frequently it's very gratifying every several years a significant breakthrough.
I just can't understand what it will take to get this issue fixed.
I'm thinking about going back on oxybutanin or asking my primary about cialis as flomax makes me tired.
Oddly enough today no issues with frequent urination Just pelvic cramping and burning.
I just had the third urinary tract infection in my life. Cramping burning and frequent urge. Took amoxcyliin fixed that.
I shudder to think what you are going through.
You all make me appreciate my urologist. Visits are often twenty minutes or more, we chat about her kids in college, my kids in high school and just starting college, and all sorts of other topics. I usually make a list of things to bring up just so I don't forget, but we always get through the list unless I forget to look at it. I think it helps that she's in a very small private practice, so there are no accountants tracking her patients per hour. It's like what I remember from when I was a kid and my mom would take me to the local doctor in our very small town - they'd chat about this and that during the visit, and it never felt particularly rushed, maybe because there often wasn't anyone waiting in the waiting room for the next appointment. That was in the mid-70s to the mid-80s.

I will say that I've had a good amount of help from treatments for my interstitial cystitis/pelvic pain syndrome/whatever the heck it is. I get Botox about there times a year and a hydrodistension about once a year. It's reaching a point where it's not helping that much anymore, but I've done pretty well with the treatments over the last eight or ten years since I switched to my current doctor.
It seems to come and go.
It really bugs me to no end.
Today nothing I am fine .
Yesterday I was having the feeling like I was going to have to urinate more often.
God help me.
That's such a miserable feeling. Mine comes and goes too. So frustrating!

I hope your bladder continues to be calm tomorrow.
I'm honestly at this point thinking about talking to faith based therapist.
4 days ago when I posted the symptoms went away within a few hours.
Either I have chronic pelvic pain syndrome or its a psychological issue from when I had the frequent urination issues that put me into a stressed, severe anxiety and emotional state.
I've had a total of a half day with the issue within the last 60 days.
I really think this can be caused by cpps or anxiety.
I still have pelvic pain but no frequent urination .
Well why not apply every thing that helps.
I bought a new bed didn't pee at night for 3 days.
I went on a 5 day vacation and no incontinence. So I figure somehow a psychological component for me yet it's like trying to catch a butterfly, when I try to grasp it, its gone
Had a weird experience . I was in the mental health ward for 9 days and I did not have one accident. I wear pads and sometimes rubber pants. Have done this for many years. Yet here I was with no underwear or pads and not once did I leak.
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