Im alone here now; in our special place


Staff member
Today has been interesting to say the least. My significant other has still been moody; and all i can think about is last fall when we would walk the lake and listen to the waves roll in. It was a peaceful time back then; he was more supportive.

My significant other suffers from bipolar sisorder; but i still love him. I came to our special place tonight because yesterday i was so damn triggered by my childhood and the people who would humiliate myself for my bladder problems.

My significant other has changed in the since that he no longer wants to spend time together like we did last fall. Part of me wonders if we grew apart because of our mental ailments.

Today has been a good day in the sense that i havent been triggered. Instead this evening; ive been thinking about the past. The memories of my significant other; hoping, praying that he will change to become a better person.

I hope that one day we can walk the beach like we did last fall. Ive been going for more waoks lately; but because he doesnt take his medicine - hes not the same person i met all the way back in 2017.

But at the end of the day; you still understand my childhood. You accept me for who i am and not for who others want me to be. You accept my bladder ocndition while others cannot.

Because of that.

I still Love You.

Sending a virtual hug across the pond to you.

Try and talk together to see how either of you can put these troubles behind you and move on positively together is my best advise to you right now.
@laalaauk: bless you.

The past couple days have been pretty good weather wise. Last night I wanted to spend more time Lakeside but I got in a situation with an Angry Beaver (no pun intended lol). I'm hoping the day progresses well.

In other news; I found out my local church branch may be closing which is sad. I came up with an idea yesterday to "Save the Branch" - by inviting all the local congregations for a community potluck to Celebrate Christ in a non denominational way - that way it wouldn't focus on one faith. I'm hoping and praying our local branch does not get shut down. I'm in a personal situation involving my local municipality and dad and step mother and I'm praying a couple bad eggs don't spoil the entire bunch if you know what I mean.

Im hoping the President will choose the right and allow the branch to stay open - I think if we were to hold a community event it may entice others who have left the branch to come back due to the pandemic and allow us an opportunity to keep our small congregation open.

Anyway, here's the Angry Beaver I was talking about. I never have gotten so close to one in my life - sorry for the grainy photo - it was at night.

"Cheers" from the United States -

Oh my, that would have made me scream and run I think. We don't have many in the UK. Good luck with saving the church. What about setting up a fundraising page for it and knocking on doors for donations?
laalaauk said:
Oh my, that would have made me scream and run I think. We don't have many in the UK. Good luck with saving the church. What about setting up a fundraising page for it and knocking on doors for donations?

I'm thinking that going door to door for anything monetary would have to get prior approval from our Stake - I'm not 100% sure. But setting up a gofund me plus a community event would not sound like a bad idea.

Yeah I thought he was a friendly critter at first; but turned out to be very territorial. So I'm like nope lol

Blessings In Christ,
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