ileocecal valve.. Physical therapy appointment.


Staff member
So when I brought up that I was dealing with quite a bit of pain on my right side my physical therapist brought up the ileocecal valve, the value lets digest food go from the small intestine into the large..she could feel something was not right but did a massage and wants me to bring it up with my GI doctor..she asked if any other doctors have ever asked if that had been checked and I told her I didn't think so.. she told me that I would cause a lot of pain and make me feel like I do if it's not working.. So I have to talk with GI about it next week when I have my appointment..
Ooo what's that??

Can you imagine how awesome it would be if your physical therapist spotted something your GI didn't? hahahah
FlGuy, really good that your PT saw that and recognized that something is going on. That PT is a real keeper!
Congrats on picking a great PT. It is great when a professional is able to suggest a solution to a problem you have been having. I hope the GI finds a way to utilize this information to alleviate your pain.
Physical therapists can be really great that way. Sounds like you found a good one! I hope it ends up bringing you some relief.
This physical therapy is great. I showed up late.. my fault I mixed up the time with my next appointment...and she called me about it and because I always get there early I was already there and only about 10 minutes late for an appointment I thought I was 45 minutes early to.. She also said that if I have problems with my GI doctor appointment to let her know when I see her the next time and she will put me in touch with a Gastroenterologist at the hospital she works I guess I will see how it goes.
PTs, Nurses, Ultra-sound & other imagining personnel - all have more time with patients than the 15 minutes Doctors are allotted by Mega-Medicine (Medicare & Insurance Companies). It isn't the medical community that dictates medical care, but some anonymous bureaucrat at a desk who wouldn't know which piece of electronics or machinery an ileocecal valve comes from....
Hi @AlasSouth, you are so right about how the medical community isn't the one that dictates medical care but it is some anonymous bureaucrat sitting at a lone desk waaaaaayyy down the end of a corridor in a basement.
Now can one fix an ileocecal valve with a left-handed monkey wrench and even use a chow line somehow in that application?
No left-handed monkey wrench on Amazon??? Phooey! :( I guess it'll just have to be the left-handed wind shifter then! :D
Hi, billiveshere and stuart: Forget the left-handed monkey wrench. It would take a Rube Goldberg device! I looked him up, the other day. Was that fun reading. Did you know there is an actual patent for a Monkey Wrench? I gave the T-shirt to a mechanic friend - he loved it. But it won't fix this situation.
ThatFLGuy: let us know what the results are! Please!
Regarding pain on your right side...
I've never heard of the "ileocecal valve", but do you still have your appendix?? That will cause pain on your right side for sure!! I had mine taken out in my teen years, it was causing A LOT of pain.
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