Maymay941. Been plenty of stories about the USPO, lately. DeJoy - the Trump appointee to Head of Post Office - is instituting reforms to save money. To do that he's raising the cost of stamps for us real people, barely raising the costs to junk mailers, and your mail will now be 2 to 5 days longer on the way. There is even a table; you enter your zip code and it makes a map showing how much longer your mail will be to the other 47 states. Maybe even across town.
One of the reason why it that DeJoy is taking mail off the planes and putting it onto ground transportation. Maybe we will go back to air mail and ground mail? Higher priced stamps for less weight for Air Mail? Have you read how messed up trucking is due to the Pandemic? Estimates are it won't go back to normal for the next year, at least.
If you get your Rx medications by mail, be warned.
He's getting rid of those street mail boxes. He's even getting rid of those sorting machines (???).
The government deliberately under-funded the pensions, and instead of making up for that, he's trying to just not pay them in the future. Wonder how he's going to get mailmen? Well, he doesn't want them.
Think UPS and/or FedEx will move the mail? No way. They have already said they won't touch it.
I'm not taking this off social media.
DeJoy can't be "fired" by the President. The Postal Board does that, and until they get rid of the majority of T's appointments - which has to be, essentially, when their terms end and not been re-appointing, we are stuck.
Benjamin Franklin, who started the Post Office even before the Revolution, must be spinning in his grave.
So, if you get incontinence supplies or prescription medications by the U.S. Mail, do some advance planning. I wouldn't count on those new delivery goals, either....