If P then Q. How do you handle your Q?


Staff member
From the CBD conversation an interesting question to raise that is not specific to a condition (P). So, I thought to throw out the question to see what comes of it.

Question: What do you do to manage your pain (Q) that could benefit others? Western to eastern philosophies? Meditative to new age? Diet and exercise? Transcendental? Distractions?

For me I take medication that slows the effects of my disease but doesn’t cure it. It helps with the things that cause pain but what I do for pain is complicated and a set of many things and varies daily. In part yoga and stretching helps with keeping strength and flexibility. It is also meditative. Heat and cold at pain points. If I have to point to one thing, it would be the Theragun, it is a godsend for releasing trigger points. Duh, Motrin-like pills. Long, hot, showers. CBD full spectrum (THD) is the newest for inflammation and pain. Distracting the mind with keeping busy and active. Our cat who is helping with typing this post.


From CBD topic: “You [@snow] said something really interesting regarding conditions and pain. A spectrum of experiences. I have years of experience with pain, and with no cure, only have more in the future. Others have a treatment based, acute pain. Still others have trama-based. So, what I find interesting in your comment is how discussions are formed top-down and not bottom-up. For instance, I have P therefore Q. Why not I have Q, and while we don’t share P, what can help? I know in part it is how we compartmentalize and frame questions but it is interesting nevertheless. Like this board is an aggregator but within it is compartmentalized so, if one doesn’t have P, they may not see P.”
Hi TheMochi

It’s basically back to from my perspective in the North American model if you do not fit into their flow chart you don’t have a condition they can solve. However like you said if both people are suffering Q why don’t we work backwards and see if something that helped someone with P may help this other person suffering Q.

However my beef with the North American System they are obsessed with double blinded controls but why as somethings do not necessarily need a double blinded controlled to always verify it is valid. Furthermore double blinded controls are they controlling every other aspect such as diet and or exercise or mediation or yoga or downtime rest etc. nope.

However at the same time for myself I love when I get documentaries like with Matt Embry going through possible treatments for MS like stem cells; has he tried them no as I specifically asked him but in my mind why wouldn’t you try. Honestly my honest opinion if one thinks strictly diet and exercise will prevent MS from escalating seriously what planet do you live on. It is an autoimmune disease which progresses over time and is very poorly understood. Furthermore why he goes on and demonizes the pharmaceutical companies and reading the possible side effect lists and being super emotional about them and asking why anyone would take them. Come on honestly if they find a cure for MS I bet we are going to need one of the pharmaceutical companies and people need to step back and put oneself in the shoes of the pharmaceutical company literally I would have any and all side effects listed on the drugs I was trying to launch just to protect my own bacon. Lol. And really people starting a med don’t start my reading the list of side effects or read it with a grain of salt. Sorry for my rant lol as I went down my bunny hole that frustrates with people who have MS and love the victim card which I fully disagree with that philosophy as it doesn’t help the individual who has the problem to begin with.

Myself I did everything for my ms initially and have started on one of the new meds because it has shown great success preventing relapses. Stem cells I have harvested and have stored in the USA and have had intrathecal injections 5 times. (Spinal taps with my stem cells). Changed my diet, went alcohol free for 12 months but cracked at thanksgiving 2017 and accepted the hell with it if it’s my one vice so be it. It may end my life 2-5 years earlier oh well at some point one as to value their own quality of life and what one is willing to accept.

And within Canada one has to vouch for their own care because otherwise you will be lost in the system. In the US I have no clue.

Back to the eastern medicine they seem much more flexible in respect to our Q vs P scenario as eastern medicine as they just focus on various ways to treat P even though one may not be diagnosed with Q. But it’s literally I would say it’s a more flexible way in thinking and isn’t stuck in one flow chart.

And heaven forbid in North America if one doesn’t fit into their flow chart. Aka you are screwed…..


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