Hypothetical question? New Years?


Staff member
Trying to figure out what to do for New Year's eve and I had a thought...

There are always videos of news reporters talking to people in Times Square in New York City and a few people flat out said that they were wearing Diapers to get by because there are no bathrooms and that many people so it makes sense.

So my hypothetical thought is if you decided to doTimes Square to watch the ball drop what would you do?

Also, I do not have plains yet and you would not catch me dead in Times Square with that many people, I do not like crouds.
Me I wouldn't as I can't stand to be around so many people that are in close proximity to each other.
I also am not fond of large groups, so my days of celebrating that are behind me. As well, I don't wish to be on the road when there is so much drinking going on. The past few years have found me busy doing something until late in the evening, and usually realizing that the midnight bell has long-since rung- that it is already the new year and has been for an hour or more. I've never been much for parties, though I used to like going out to dance bars. Those days are behind me, and I don't miss them.
This is me... HAHAHAHA

For the last 20+ years New Years Eve has been just another day. But the best and most memorable of any of my NY Eves was when I was 17 and I volunteered to take care of my 3 year old sister while my parents went on a 3-day honeymoon that they had put off for 19 yers. My folks drove us 200 miles from Tulsa to my grandparents farm in Kansas where there was no TV and nothing special. Tonja and I played some games and I read while she colored, then we went to bed at about 11 pm. It was a wonderful time.
Not into crowds like Time Square - not even on TV. Come on! How about the Omicron variant, though? It LIKES to party.
Now, a group of friends, may be 3 couples, all vaxxed, and a game of Train Dominoes, or even cards? Wine? Beer? Possibly a fine single malt? All in moderation. Laughter - lots? No moderation there. You need a dog or a cat (both?) underfoot. Add a Moose outside the back door - gotta give the dog something to bark at. Pick your taste in music. If alcohol also enhances your need for a diaper, well, it's once a year. Now you're talking! Happy New Year! 👼
Sound like fun AlasSouth - My late husband and I played Train Dominoes with a varied group of folks for several years. We had a lot of fun. Hope your plans work out.
I don’t go for crowds anymore and just prefer to celebrate in my home with my husband. I am trying to stay good cause I see my new specialist on the 30th in Charleston SC. I will have a margarita and my husband will have a beer.
Times Square is limited to 15,000 people this year rather than the usual 50,000. I hope they can keep the crowd down. I live I Ohio, Cleveland area, and they just announced 15 000+ NEW covid cases just for today. I am staying home for the new years eve. Having a beer and sausage sandwich around midnight. (a long time tradition). Sure I'll wet the bed, but I've wet the bed without drinking a beer. I guess I'll keep my long time tradition intact.
Wishing everyone a happpy and healthy New Year! I love your stories of NY Eve, and hope you enjoy it, whatever you do.
New Year's Day is spent with friends
We will be 3 couples and we will eat a good little dish (foie gras, snail, and leg of goat and green beans)
Despite the vaccine we test us to see non-negative then the party will go better
I would bring 3 layers and a pull-ups on me just in case?
I don't need it but I feel reassured
because since I peed in my ski pants
My friend's wife also wears pull-ups she also has a bladder leak (68 years old)
So we can drink and laugh all night long
Happy New Year
Im hoping to go to bed early and wake up early and enjoy a nice quiet breakfast feeling good. I seem to always regret going anywhere to celebrate new years and hate not feeling good on the first day of a new year, especially if it self inflicted.
@ThatFLGuy I love love love crowds and would like to go to Times Square in a less serious COVID year, though I don’t think that will ever happen again.
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