Humiliated needing help


Staff member
Hi, I’m a 45 year old lady who’s just started setting the bed in the past couple of months. I have horrific sleep patterns and when I wake I’m drenched in urine. I take tamazapan to help me sleep, I’ll get a solid 3 hours sleep, but I’ll wake go to the toilet, go back to bed and wake up wet. It is so embarrassing and thankfully my husband thinks it’s just I’ve sleep with a bottle of water and it has popped open during the night (I’m to humiliated to tell him the truth). Any ideas?
Honestly I would tell your husband assuming he is a good honest human. He should be your life buddy for life. Granted if you have been having marital problems maybe Re consider.

Next unless this has just come on due to what is a sleeping medicine. I would 100% put on a mattress protector.

Then if this has been happening prior to the medicine and honestly even with the medicine I would consider wearing a diaper / pull up to bed too avoid the huge cleanup associated if you are not wearing protection.

Granted all this will most likely bring up issues within your own mind because as society we have stigmatized diapers for only children. Which is not true as numerous people throughout the world struggle with incontinence for a variety of reasons. As evident through this website etc. Myself my issues are due to my MS and fortunately for me I do not as of yet, have any nighttime issues. Currently my issues are daytime.

Welcome here and I hope you can find the advice you need and will find a solution for your problems. The other thing you should do is discuss this with a doctor as incontinence issues can also be caused my some very major diseases which require different treatments and like anything the sooner they can figure out a major problem normally you will have a better outcome.

I hope you find a solution that works for you.
Hi @Kakka1975, Welcome to the forum and it's good to have someone from Australia where it's probably already tomorrow! :D I don't know if that medication is causing your problem but I think the wise thing to do would be talk to your doctor. Don't worry about being embarrassed because doctors have heard it all before and I'm sure your problem isn't the worst one he's worked with!! That way you can see if there is a physical cause and then the doc will put you on the right path!
Also do talk to your husband and let him know what's going on.
Do consider wearing some kind of protection as well such as pull-ups or tape-type diapers, as well as bedding protection.
And also please stop in to talk to us whenever you can and get advice and a lot of good support! That's what we do best!!!
Hello @Kakka1975,Welcome to the forum. Like jwh51 said, I would approach him and be honest about your incontinence issue. He will understand and support you. I would definitely check up with a doctor just to be safe if there is no underlying problem. A bed protector with plastic backed diapers would be an effective combination to help you manage it. Here in this forum you will have access to tips how to manage day to day, very kind and helpful people, multiple resources and the support of the group.Merry Christmas!
Your husband almost assuredly already knows. He's just humoring you to spare your feelings. Just some clean with it, so you can have an ally in this. You'll feel much better.
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