How you know you have been to/in the hospital to much.


Staff member
Well, I do own ten sets of grippy socks.

The test tonight went okay. I just have to wait for the results. I went well prepared and was happy that I did. The test took a bit longer than expected.

I also got a good talking to by the two ladies that worked on me about not drinking enough. They were very understanding but said that thousands of people come through the MRI and a lot of them have incontinence issues and it is better to be well hydrated than being dehydrated. I ended up bowing two IV sticks on my right side which has never happened before but I did not drink a lot today because I was worried about having an issue which luck I only had a small bladder one.

Once I got out to the car I drank a bunch of water so I am good now.

One thing is that this was the first MRI of my head that I know of in my life.

I am not a claustrophobic person but I can see why they had to have someone that they can call on standby because if I would not have gotten into my prayer space I might have not been able to handle it.

All told, not a bad experience.
@ThatFLGuy Glad things weren't too bad! I'm really claustrophobic but coped with the MRI once I tried meditating and visualising things. Had a full body one which did push me to the limit somewhat given how long it was!

Yeah, staying hydrated in hospital is tough, especially in the summer months. The hospital I was in last year was really bad with keeping people hydrated. The water fountain was a short walk away and so I was worried about falling over (I hadn't mastered using my crutch back then) and causing a scene. The problem was that they were so understaffed that they'd never check you had enough water and all the cups only held small amounts. Being dehydrated is probably why they couldn't get enough blood or spinal fluid from me.

I wouldn't worry about having accidents. The doctors and nurses didn't bat an eyelid about the fact I was wearing nappies. They've probably seen it all for before and to be honest, considering the state I was in, they probably weren't surprised that things weren't working the way they should.

Hang in there! Sending positive vibes!
Very glad you got into your prayer space. That's what I did during my brain MRI on Monday, and I was very calm. I kept my pullups on, and the nurse put a chux on the table and I laid on top of that. All went well.
Now that's over with and glad it wasn't unbearable!! But I'm sure you wouldn't want to do another one again any time soon! And hopefully they'll give you the results soon. As for claustrophobia, if it were me I may have had an issue with that. Sometimes I do get in some small place and feel like it's closing in on me. That happened once when I was with other people my size and bigger and I was in the very rearmost seat of a Honda Odyssey minivan. I was somewhat embarrassed but I told them "I have to get out now!!" And I did and caught a ride with someone who was carrying fewer people.

Yea, My issue with hydration I feel was just me being stupid. It is a long walk into the hospital and then a lot of walking once inside to get to the MRI area. So by the time I got checked in, I was needing some H2O but figured I only had another 30 minutes to wait so I would be okay. Yea, not doing that again. As far as accidents, there is nothing that I can do about them so I have given up worrying but just did not want to make a mess so had a Betterdry with a booster on. Worked as it should so.


Growing up I shared a backbench seat with 3 of my 5 siblings traveling back and forth between Florida and Pennsylvania. My parents always drove straight through so we slept in the van with the bench laid down. So car trips don't get to me. Where I get claustrophobia is the very rare time I get stuck somewhere small.

Now I just have to wait for the results of the MRI.

I have physical therapy in the morning as well and lucky I feel better now. After the MRI results get back then I can move forward with whatever other test need to be done.
Thanks, FL! I liked the travel story - but it was my cousins, Illinois to Colorado..
Just did an MRI, today - and it's the noises that get to me. Boooring. I got a nap, the nurse said. 22 minutes for about 7 inches worth. The report - in a foreign language (Medical/Insurance-ese. I think they speak it in Mordor, too) - is longer. They play music you can't hear, of course. Well, I think I'd have more than 10 grippy socks if I saved them all - and then there are the braces: arm, hand, foot, leg, knee, ankle, wrist - and that's with not detailing all the variations on the themes. Even if you bring your own, they insist on giving you (selling) you a new one. I think I threw out the brain brace (there's no brain in there to brace or not to brace - isn't that the question?)
I've saved all the braces in a tote for C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) for the next time Mount Redoubt volcano blows. (Isn't that a Jimmy Buffet song? "I don't know where I'ma gonna go when the volcano blows") We need emoticons with musical notes. On the grippy socks, too. Or a grippy-sock emoticon.
Hi FlGuy, that was an interesting story about hitting the road between Florida and Pennsy! But a straight-thru car trip is the stuff that legends are made of!!! I've never done it myself, at least not to that extent. The only time was when I was in my callow youth and we went from our family place near Philly up to our summer place in mid-Maine It was a 12 hour marathon with only stops for fuel and occasional restroom break (my bladder was considerably stronger back then!!)And lunch was brought in a cooler from home base! Back then I wondered if planes like B-52s and carrier-based fighters could be refueled in mid-air then why not cars???? Well we won't go there with all of the why-nots for that proposal but I think my dad would have loved such an option for cars!!! At highway speed, just pull up in back of a fuel truck that extends a refueling hose to the fuel door on a car!!! Definitely an idea whose time has NOT come!!!!
And for FlGuy and AlasSouth, I had a pair (or maybe 2) of grippy socks when I was in the hospital, followed by a convalescent center but I'll be damned if I know whatever happened to them!!! They must be in a closet somewhere or have already gone to Grippy Socks heaven! I thought they were pretty good, too!!!
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