How to put tape-on diapers like underwear


Staff member
I love the plastic backed brief diapers and would love to wear them all the time but they are too hard to put on myself. Anyone know how to do up a brief diaper so you can step in the diaper like a pull up and pull it up and down into place when needed.
I put mine on the first time by putting the seat of the diaper behind me and leaning against a wall. Then I do the top tapes snuggly. I then move the inside of the legs holes up into the crook of the thigh so it's snug, then tape the bottom tabs closed. This should make a good snug fit that's not too tight. Then you should also be able to shimy the diaper up and down as needed as well after the first time. I still have bowel control so I pull my diapers up and down so I can use the bathroom for that need.
I tried this a long time ago. I put one on and then got out of it without untaping. Then used it as a template to tape up what I needed for the entire week. However, the ones I had the tapes was not good about refastening or making adjustments. So They would usually be a bit on the loose side since I was intending to slip them on and off like regular underwear. I ended up slipping regular underwear over them to keep them snugged up. I was also doing that at the time in an attempt to keep what I was wearing from showing if I was bent over or something, to be discreet. I gave up this practice after a month or so.
Whether or not you can pull a diaper up and down depends on your body shape. I find it quite easy now, but when I was younger and skinnier I couldn't do it at all. Having a bit of a belly turns out to be convenient!

I put on diapers exactly as @Draconic describes by leaning against a wall. With a bit of practice, it takes about a minute to tape one up and get it adjusted. It may seem daunting at first, but it does get easier.
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