How to proceed


New member
A little background. I'm in my mid seventies. I have Type 2 Diabetes with an A1C of 7. Have hypertension. Was diagnosed with bladder neck obstruction decades ago and also have BPH. I am obese. Currently take several blood pressure meds one being a diuretic along with Jardiance and Tamsulosin/Flomax. I am urinating many times a day. I do retain urine but it isn't problem because I go so frequently. About 7 or 8 years ago I would get this weird spasm occasionally where I would get some urine on the tip of my penis. Sometimes it would happen when I was bringing in groceries. My urologist told me it was nothing to worry about. I know my Diabetes has caused some issues with my nerve endings. I notice less blood flow to my penis. In any event about 8 months ago I woke up and my bed was wet not a lot. And then it happened again about 4-6 weeks after that. I started to get spasms where I would have urine at the tip of my penis like before. Then while watching TV urine would leak in small amounts. I started wearing boxer/briefs which would quickly absorb the light spotting. I would get some brief spasms when I was out during the day but would simply go to a rest room and urinate. If I got any spotting it was minimal.

Now things have gotten quite bad. Mostly happening while sitting in front of the TV. If I doze off urine starts to flow. I started wearing Depends Night Defense and while I sleep I would discharge around 15-17 ounces of urine. I weighed myself with the Depends on and then nothing standing naked on the scale. What's strange is if I'm out and moving around or walking I only have the occasional spasm. I imagine sitting and lying down puts pressure on the bladder. I thought I could get by just wearing Depends while I'm sleeping but now when I come in for the evening I realize I have to wear a diaper while watching TV.

I am now taking Tamsulosin only every other day. I do need it because my flow is terrible without it. I guess this is leading up to what to do next. I haven't been to a urologist in several years. My PSA score 8 years ago 0.3 and he told me my chance of ever getting Prostate cancer was minimal.

I guess I have to see one now. I dread having a Cystoscopy again. I have had one twice. At my age do I want to make things worse. My fear is doing something like a UroLift is exactly that. There is nothing more painful than a Cystoscopy. I remember struggling to initially urinate after the probe and the burning, stinging sensation the rest of day every time I had to urinate.

I experimented wearing Depends when I went out for day but I have to say they are very uncomfortable. I live in warm climate and you sweat heavily in your groin area wearing Depends. Wearing them to sleep is not a problem and knowing that your bedding will be dry when you wake up is quite comforting. I am probably living on borrowed time where I will eventually have leakage 24/7. At that point it's wear a diaper round the clock or have some kind of surgical intervention which may or may not work. What's sad to me is how abruptly this came on. I traveled to Europe less than two years ago and then to have your life totally change 7-8 months ago with no warning.
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