How to be GREEN & minimize ODOR?!!


Staff member
I want to be as GREEN as possible with my soiled diapers. Knowing that there is a tremendous volume of plastic going into our land fills, I am trying to do my part with reducing this problem by being as GREEN as possible. At night I wear a cloth diaper with a leak proof cover. During the day I wear a polyurethane 'loincloth' cover, designed by my wife, with a Tranquility booster pad. I only have to change the booster pad, when soiled. About 2 to 3 times a day. As there is no plastic in the booster pads, I am minimizing my disposal volume.

On a nightly basis, I wet 1 diaper. We don't do laundry daily for only one diaper. Here in lies my problem, what would you recommend using in the diaper pail to reduce the order? Would you recommend using a wet or dry pail? To those of you who are using cloth diapers, how are you solving the order challenge?
Suggestions and advice are welcome.
When I use them, I normally took into the shower in the AM, gives them a good rinse out, and then into the washer after I rung them out, could manage a load of laundry every 4-5 days that way, single so it isn't so bad for laundry :-)
I use cloth boosters, and as Skinny b says, I rinse them in the shower. I store them (wet) in a pail and pour vinegar over them. It works well
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