How many depends / pads Prostatectomy


Staff member
I had my radical Prostatectomy on Sept 24, 2020 and catheter removed Oct 1, 2020.

I am using 16 to 20 depends pads a day. Is this normal or close to it?

I realize that I am only on day 6, but never images using this many pads.

Thank you,
mental and emotionally stressing in Houston, TX
Are you drinking caffeine drinks or alcohol? It seems like a lot to me. Early on I used 3-4 Pull ups per day. But I eliminated caffeine, carbonated drinks,alcohol and reduced nwater intake until I got my incontinence under control. Good luck, do Kagles and walk daily
Agreed. I had to adjust my intake of coffee/tea and sodas. I splurge only when I'm at home, and even then, just now and then, when I need a good "burn" of soda or that pungent taste of strong coffee. It's a sacrifice, but consider the consequences.
I drink one 12 ounce coffee. I do drink about 4 quarts of water a day. I asked mu urologist about reducing my fluid intake, but he wanted to drink as normal. I had a kidney stop in 2016. I also have several other medical problems that require me to take 24 pills a day. The water is needed to help the medicine dissolve and spread throughout my body.

I have started tracking and reducing the water to 3 quarts.

I am not drinking soda.
My surgery was January 2 of this year, with catheter removal on January 14. I was using 8 - 10 pads per day after catheter removal for about a week and the daily number started to drop. If I remember correctly, I was using a few pads a day for a couple of months and then dropped to one per day. I started using the thin pads in July and now use them only if I am going to be in public (just in case there's a leak - which there hasn't been). I am currently working my brain to get used to the idea of not having any accidents. You sound pretty normal to me! Stay the course and you should be fine. Plan to walk and do Kegel exercises to help cut down on leaking.
I would definitely switch to pull-ups and read the many, many, many other posts already written about post-prostatectomy recovery. It’s the most common post on this forum. Look for the magnifying glass / “search” icon and type “prostatectomy.” You’ll find tons of answers and solutions to help you know what to expect.

That is gobs of water. I never drink that much unless I’m doing extremely hot, steep backpacking. 64 oz. is the daily recommended dose of liquid (water, coffee, or otherwise) for Americans. You’re drinking 154 oz., 2.5x twice as much as you need to. I take 24 pills per day, and I only drink 30-40 oz. so I can pee less frequently. None of my doctors have ever told me to “drink more water to spread medication throughout [my] body.” You can die from drinking too much water. No wonder you’re using that many pads!
Rp apr.20th.Went through hunderds of pull-ups.Then Pads.Now at 5 1/2 months down to 2 shields a day.Hang in there it will improve.In a while you will be more concerned about psa than incontinence.It's a social bummer for a bit, but only time will change that.Live for today, stay active,drink pretty much what you want.Look at your scars and imagine that inside will take as long or longer to heal.

Warrior on Brother!
Yikes! That led me to google prostatectomy scar images. I had no idea they sometimes go from the front; not what I imagined. Regardless of which angle it’s removed, looks scary!
I sent this note to my Urologist today. Day 28 - 4 Weeks

You were right! I bet you don't get to hear that enough.

Giving you some Great News.

I am down to 5 pullups a day from 12 pullups in week 2 and 9 pullups week in 3. Week over Week improvement is happening.

Night time has improved. The first night time void wakes me up and about half is released in the commode. I change. The second and third does not require a change. I am able to use the same pullup until after my walk.

Thank you,
thanks for posting your concern, Had my radical pros on Oct 15 and tube removed a week later. I leaked so much I wanted to put the catheter back in. I use a pull up AND a shield/pad. 2 hours and I change the shield. I am REALLY looking forward to that fall off in leakage I have heard about. 6 weeks before I know if they got all the cancer out on the first go round.
@wml1963 - Glad you found the group! How did you come across this group? I did a lot of searching before finding it.

I will echo some advise @snow put in my first thread / post. Use the Magnifying Glass Search icon to the left. I was using the search bar for the site and not searching the forums.


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