hotel nightmare


Staff member
Me and the wife booked a hotel room for a week on booking. My wife asked if they could make sure they could supply a waterproof mattress protector on the mattress. Due to my incontinent problem s they said yes but when we got there there was no waterproof cover. On the bed we asked house keeping. And the manager. But they. Said they don't supply. Them so had to spend 3 nights without haveing the bed covered. Which was a nightmare. For me I wet the mattress. Relly. Bad house keeping. Said people. My age dont have bed wetting. Problems
What a load of shit I say. I would say In your defence to them " Take a good look around you. Because you are either blind or just plain ignorant or stupid." Then I would purposely go out and find the latest info and slap it on the desk in front of them. Or send them emails from sites that sell adult bedwetting protection. Just to educate them and to bring them into the real world of Adult problems.
That's unfortunate. I've mostly had success when alerting hotels beforehand that I need extra waterproof protection on the bed, even when it is clear that it is for me. Most hotels are very eager to protect their investment in mattresses, and are more than grateful to get the heads up to put on a mattress protector. Some hotels I've stayed in seem to put mattress protectors on all of their mattresses standard regardless of request. I think that if you've given them fair warning and they did nothing to protect the bed then the problem is on them. I hope they didn't try to charge you for any damage.
You know, just my opinion, but I think we need to take proactive steps to prevent stuff like this from happening. When I travel I take disposable bed pads just in case there is a problem. I certainly don't need to discuss my problems with hotel staff, as I can manage it myself. Plus when traveling I wear the best protection with waterproof pants on top of that.

I don't mean to come off as harsh, but I don't think messing up the hotels bed when you knew it would likely happen is the right course of action. Plus now you've put yourself in a position to have uncomfortable conversations with the management to resolve this.
Sylvia, well said. Doesn't sound harsh at all. I agree that we all have the responsibility to do our best to manage our own situation. I hope my reply didn't sound like "the hotel deserves a damaged mattress". In my case, I always bring premium diapers and disposable bed pads when I travel. As an added measure of caution, I almost always alert the hotel that I need extra waterproof protection on the mattress in case my other measures fail. I have almost never had a negative experience making that request.
I don't see any issue asking the hotel to protect the mattress. I've never done it mainly due to not wanting to discuss it. I will however, leave housekeeping a nice note and tip for disposal of soiled items. In my experience they are very appreciative.
Yes next time we take our own waterproof bedding and better pads ect thanks for all your fed back guys and girls
I use premium washables with an extra pad or two, plus plastic pants when I travel. Although I occasionally have accidents at home, so far this has given me adequate protection.
I bring my own bedpads, problem solved. I leave them on the bed when I go out, housekeeping always changes the bad and puts the pad back where it was, they can figure it out easy enough!
Sylvia said:
You know, just my opinion, but I think we need to take proactive steps to prevent stuff like this from happening. When I travel I take disposable bed pads just in case there is a problem. I certainly don't need to discuss my problems with hotel staff, as I can manage it myself. Plus when traveling I wear the best protection with waterproof pants on top of that.

I don't mean to come off as harsh, but I don't think messing up the hotels bed when you knew it would likely happen is the right course of action. Plus now you've put yourself in a position to have uncomfortable conversations with the management to resolve this.

Well said, Sylvia. I'm of the same opinion and glad to see it expressed just the way you did. I also travel often and see little reason to reveal my problem to random staff at hotels or elsewhere. I can manage it well with my select 'supplies' for bed protection. There is no need for others to 'clean up' after me. I'm in control, despite the devilish behavior of my bladder !!

That would be my biggest fear, wetting a hotel bed. I only bed wet 1-2 times a month and I usually sleep less deep when I am not at my place but it still scares me the thought of waking up in a wet hotel bed.

I don't call ahead and alert the hotel that I have a bedwetting problem. Too embarrassed to do that. I just wear protective underwear at night when staying at a hotel.
Despite all these issues of wetting a hotel bed or any one else's bed but your own is and can be a nerve wracking ordeal whether it has been expressed or not. Nobody should be put in a situation like that. This is 2016 not the dark ages. We live in a world where One should feel safe to express that they have a issue that could harm, damage, cause extra work for someone else ie the house maid, damage the matris, (infection control). I take my hat off to Jason181 for having the guts to say something, I would of run away wishing the world world swollow me up. Obviously this hotel has some educational learning on Incontinence in general so that they can up date themselves and their staff.
I've wet two hotel beds. The first was years ago, before my bedwetting became a regular thing again. Just a random incident caused by jetlag.

The other time was a few months ago. I had requested some sort of mattress protection, but they ignored my request. I was wearing an abena and PUL pants, and leaked anyway. I don't think it's my responsibility to bring mattress protection. Accidents happen, even for folks that aren't regular bedwetters, and the hotel should have something in place.
I'd expect a hotel to provide mattress cover if requested. Must not be a very good hotel if they can't/won't do that. I take responsibility for my problem and want to avoid damaging the property of others but you can only take it so far. A diaper and pul pants is about as far as I'd go. On a short trip I could see adding a disposable bed pad to my luggage too but for an extended trip I'm not packing a full extra suitcase full of diapers and bed pads. IF they don't care enough to protect their mattress then I don't care enough to go leaps and bounds above and beyond to do it for them.
The one where I recently leaked was the Best Western Universal Orlando. It's kind of a resort hotel. On the same trip I stayed at two other hotels where I also requested bed protection, and neither of those obliged either. One was a super 8, so not that nice, but the other was a fairly swanky conference center.

I also once requested a waterproof mattress cover at a very nice university hotel (the place they used to put up university guests and VIPs). In that case, the manager called me back, very concerned, and told me that he consulted with housekeeping, but they had no such thing. Then he offered to have them make the bed with shower curtain. In that case, I told him I would just bring a mattress pad with me. At least he tried.
Hotel staff should start pulling their heads out of the sand. What about infection control etc. There are matris protection covers that are plastic but don't even feel like they are when sleeping on them. One should not have to ask. They should design a "Tick and Flick"list of your needs whilst staying with Us. "How We can make your say better". That is sent out before you arrive that you can email or send back in to the costumer relationer officer so your needs will be met.
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