Home. Very weird..


Staff member
Got home safe, every went well according to the doctor's. Did have an issues during the pressure where they had to wake me up. I did not remember why until they told me. I guess anesthesia and laying on my stomach didn't go good together because I puked while out and they had to save me from asphyxiating. Got a sore throat. And what was expected from the procedure I had done. But now I just have to relax.

Follow up is the 27th.

Which will be to check everything and then decide if I can back off medicine and when we will be doing a food mobility study.

So, yeah I don't know what or how things will go until I have follow up but it is what it is.
Prayer are with you, glad to hear you are home safe and sound. Relax -enjoy your Friday, watch sometime of read something you enjoy. I got my car maintained today-happy-next time will cost a few bucks they need to do 60,000 mile stuff. Having a car is nice but it is very expensive. Sometimes if I do the math-I wonder if it would be cheaper to use uber( Hope I spelled it right, never used one yet) sometimes or the bus.
Hi Fl Guy, Good to hear you're home and that's one procedure that is now behind you. Best thing to do is relax and chill out for the weekend and read something enjoyable or watch a good movie! And just recover! Spend time with family in the area.
It is amazing how good it can be to make it home from a foreign (and fraught) environment. Enjoy that peace while you can!
Your saga is just that, and says so much about the medical system we all face at some point. You have hit so many of my pain triggers.
It's like I feel you could write it up and it would be significant input at a congressional hearing on the state of medical care. The other thing is, you have persevered. Both are to your credit.
Hang in there and stay safe.
@alasaouth-I agree with you 1000%, the medical system has gone way down the tubes. It is awful today. The doctor's don't have the time they need to spend with you. the insurance as well as the government is telling them how to treat patients-they are not allowed to treat the whole body which is very important.
@FL Guy, we all care about you. Be glad-let us know how you are doing tomorrow. Be strong-relax-watch some TV.
Got a call from primary care for my "wellness" appointment. I said great I can catch him up on my cancer surgery. She told me this was a wellness only and if I needed to talk to him about anything else I needed to make another appointment as my insurance won't cover discussing other health issues at a wellness appointment. I said I wouldn't talk with me doctor about the cancer. Ok, this is beyond ridiculous. Old enough to remember house visits as a sick child. Today we have to itemize health points for insurance validation prior to discussing... (Doc is cool so I'll mention it anyway).

"A bit of honesty".. I have always learned very conservative when it comes to politics. After all the stuff I have been through with my medical issues I have a completely different view point of our medical system.

True is that I was better taken care of when I had no insurance "not even Medicaid" before having my stomach surgery. It's crazy to me that we have to jump through so many hoops to get the care we need just because of our insurance label.
I have a orthopedic doctor who I am very close to. He told me last November that Medicare has cut back on so much that they cannot afford to talk to you about more than one thing. We were allowed 2 or 3 things. Now they are saying one thing and make an appointment for another thing. It has to do with money not the law or the insurance companies but they cut back on the reimbursement. This is part of the problem why the appointments are so hard to get. So you one knows what is happening-this is why. Not the insurance it is the government and maybe the insurance is doing it too since Medicare is-I don't know. Medicine is a business, sure they like it when they make your life better but they cannot get too emotional involved. IT is too hard.
Understand it's a business, but these wellness exams are useless. Btw, I only got diagnosed as enlarged nodular prostate at a free roadside clinic in the city in an RV behind city hall. Why, insurance doesn't check prostate any longer during annual physical because they stopped physical and have wellness. So a 60 yo man who is recovering from cancer surgery cannot speak to his primary care doctor about that without a special appointment. It's ridiculous. I see little to no value in a pcp if separate appointments are needed for every topic. Can you imagine if we did this elsewhere. How about the supermarket deli. I'm sorry, here's your pound of bologna but you need separate numbers for cheese and roast beef. Please take two more numbers and step aside. Sorry to hijack your thread and I am happy to hear you're home.
I am not disagreeing with you, question them on it. See what they say. this is ridiculous. IF this is true-look for a different doctor might be the best this to do. I have switched doctors after finding out I did not like the one I had. Our medical stuff is so so so time consuming but we must be our own advocate in this stuff.
wellness exam gets me my blood pressure and my labs-any scripts I need for mammogram, bone density test, any problems I have-I ask. I have everything written down, I get things corrected in MY Chart and let them know the updates from my other doctors. I figure one source has got to know everything. With this trip and fall I had-I have so much crap going on. Blessings NoControl- fight the good fight.
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