Holiday Times, your wish??


Staff member
So, I have been on vaca and disconnected for the past week or so. Missed all the Christmas and New Year messages and wishes. I hope all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. So what is/was your Christmas or New Year Wish? Did your wish come true? How was your Christmas/New Years?

For me, I had a wonderful Christmas, and gifts given were very thoughtful and awesome. From the kids it was air pods to allow me to listen to my music and podcasts with out the annoyance of wires. From the wife it was a tea infuser and cool boxers. Yes I am a boxer guy, and when needed boxerbrief guy, but boxers rule. LOL. (dm to send me cool boxers 😂).

As to my bedwetting I am happy to report a total dry holiday season so far (well one wet in December) but dry all other times. Hope you were dry or under protection day or night during your holiday.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!
Glad you had such a good holiday!!
How do you think your dry December occurred?

We're all stumping around here, eating virtual chicken wings with Flguy and xchanging virtual gifts and recipes.

As to my bedwetting I have no idea TBH. Stress times and over tired times tend to increase my bedwetting but this year it was less. I didn't do anything different like decrease fluids or try and reduce holiday stress... it just happened on its own. I wet three nights in November and October. (does anyone else keep a dry/wet calendar?)
Its good to hear from you as a less serious case of bedwetting myself it makes me feel better about my need to be on the forum. Without interchange with the variety of folks here I feel very alone and mbarrassed by.nocturia. it goes to show how deep the internal dialog runs.
Happy new year io all.Glad to hear of your success.
Finding this forum is a good thing for me. I'm new to hear and I know I'm not the Olney person in the world with my problem with bedwetting. The feer someone finding out, fealing like A freak.
Hi @jeffa, and welcome to the forum! :D You have come to the right place to chat and/or vent or ask for advice about incontinence. And around these parts you are definitely not the only person who has those problems. We do discuss the fear of someone finding out and here we will talk honestly and openly with you. The more you come here the more you'll find you're in good company. And guess what???? There are no freaks here!!! None whatsoever! And you are invited to join us! All just good regular people from different places in the world who are honest in confronting their problems and realize that everyone knows where everybody is coming from.
Hi all,
Jeffa, you aren’t a freak. People bed wet or leak for a variety of reasons. Guess you could say it’s like a car that has leak sometimes. Doesn’t make it less of a great car , it just happens sometimes.
We can all still that great car we love even with a couple imperfections.
Keep doing great everyone and have a Blessed, Safe, and Happy 2021!
Hi Jeffa how did you come to find the forum?
What do you think began your incontinence?
We are glad to share our experiences and tips to getting on with the good life even with incontinence.
Please dont beat yourself up, the world is hard enough as it is.
You are perfectly imperfect and perfectly lovable just as you are.
Say that the next time you feel like calling yourself a name. Lets get started being happy and well.
Very well said, Maymay! You're so right, the world is hard enough as it is. But here we are not about that but it's kind of like "Cheers!" a place where everybody knows your (screen)name! And where we listen to your latest exploits, adventures and thoughts.
@jeffa I totally get where you are coming from. Fellow bedwetter here myself. I for a very long time thought I must be the only adult who was still peeing his bed. It can be a very lonely and frustrating feeling. But as you have found out here you are definitely not alone in this. And even more so you are not a freak. You just a guy with a little bladder issue like so many of us here.

Looking forward to your contributions to the groups.
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