High PSA


Staff member
Just got results from blood work. My PSA is at 8.0, up from 6.0 from last year. Going to have another biopsy of my prostate again. Had one done six years ago. Hopefully no issues.
So sorry to hear that. If you biopsy find cancer, (hopefully it won’t) but if it does, get it removed right away. After my diagnosis I was put on a three year watch, with several other biopsies along the way. What the hell for? If I knew then what I know, I would have gotten it removed right away. April will be 2 years since I had my prostate removed and I’m still having leaking and erection issues.
So everyone I talk to about prostate cancer issues, I tell them don’t wait and watch, it’s not going to go away. The sooner it’s removed the better are your chances for a full recovery.

Good luck to you, and I’ll be praying for you.
I don't disagree with what Cay said and 1-we're all hoping for you that it's something benign 2- if it is cancer, think of the advances in research and treatment over those 6 years, the higher survival rates, and even the experience gained by your doctors in those 6 years. Positivity, as challenging as it is to find with a diagnosis, can be a huge ally to you.
Wishing you health and peace
That is a very similar pattern to me. The first stage of my treatment was an MRI scan. That helps to identify any lesions and so the biopsy can be more specifically targeted. That is worth looking into. Hopefully everything will be fine for you, but should there be anything cancerous, remember it is very treatable today. I know the waiting and uncertainty isn't the nicest thing but you will get through it. God bless you
Had MRI done previously. I suggested that this be done again, since it was done a couple of years ago. Doctor decided it wasn't necessary now. Now waiting for out patient testing to set an appointment.
I had the MRI targeted biopsy. I also decided quickly to have surgery instead of waiting after positive cancer results.
I was on Active Surveillance, as said very slow growing cancer...for a year.

Then an MRI - problem was, the first biopsy didn't find it all!

After the second biopsy, said had to do something NOW and decide between Radical Prostatectomy or Radiation. I went w/ surgery, as can have radiation after if didn't get it all and needed it, but surgery is more difficult after radiation and can't have robotic RP.

After the post-op biopsy, they determined I was Stage 3 - not good. Also, maybe by waiting, the cancer moved from my prostate and invaded by seminal vesicles (didn't even know I had those). Since it made it to the seminal vesicles, it could have made it to my blood stream, so could show up ANYWHERE in my body.

Just had my first PSA post-op and it was 0.04. Not bad, but because it was something and not 0.0, my Dr. surgeon said it is either a piece of benign prostate that got left and will stay at 0.04 OR it is cancer and the PSA will rise. If so, then a test to see where and then radiation - usually in the pelvic area.

So, good for now, but if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't have waited. It's definitely not going away and biopsies are only as good as what they biopsy - an MRI pre-biopsy for a targeted biopsy would definitely be the way to go. I almost waited too late - was already Stage 3. I think Stage 4 is real trouble. I guess I was scared and just didn't know - told slow growth and had time - almost didn't!

Now will just live from PSA to PSA, pray a LOT in between and see what happens next! I do KNOW that God has me, has a plan for me and am accepting of all that this entails. I offer it up to His Holy Name! It is NOT for nothing!

So that's my story and my 2 cents - I agree w/ those above that if had to do over again, I would not have waited.

Good luck to you & +God+bless+!!!
I talked with my doctor that IF I needed prostate removal, that incontinence would be low percentage, and if I did get it, it shouldn't last long.
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