Hi and introduction


Staff member
Just popped on to say "Hi" and introduce myself.
I'm from the UK and was a bed wetter as a child until I was about 11. Had a lot of negative reactions from my mum and public shaming from my dad as a child.
I continued to wet the bed intermittently through my early adulthood (only a handful of times through my teens and twenties, I think maybe three or four in total) and then more frequently in my thirties after having three babies. At that point I was travelling with my ex husband a lot and the Dr gave me some tablets to take when away from home as this was my nightmare: what would I do if away?
The problem tailed off again somewhat during my forties and early fifties ( back to once, maybe twice, a year) but then began to get a little more frequent. By this time I was divorced and living mostly alone except for my youngest child who was away at university at the other end of the country so only here for the holidays and, being a good kid, always worked holiday jobs when home in the summer.
However, since developing type 2 diabetes I have begun to have problems during the day inasmuch as the urge hits very late and I don't always make it to the lavatory in time so have taken to wearing incontinence pads in the day, which isn't a major problem to me as daytime leakage, when it does happen, is very minimal.
But the nighttime wetting is now becoming more frequent and heavier. When it used to happen I'd invariably wake up mid-void and be able to stop and dash to the bathroom to finish but twice now I have completely emptied and not woken immediately.
The worst thing for me is that, because of being, "locked down" due to Covid, my child and I are both at home and I'm, "shielded" owing to underlying medical conditions so I can't go shopping so my child is having to shop for my incontinence supplies and is also at home to witness the bed changing and the plastic sheets.
I feel so degraded and infantile and now they are using it as a tool to embarrass me into capitulating on house rules.
This was only supposed to be a temporary arrangement when they left university so they could work off their free student overdraft before getting their own place but COVID hit us and caused a lot of complications which I can't go into now as it's already a super long post!
Thank you if you've read this far and sorry for boring you all!
Just wondering if anyone else has similar problems with intermittent bedwetting?
I too was a bedwetter growing up and wasn't really dry at night until my early 20's. Throughout my adult life I have had spells of wetting some longer than others. Then I had a long dry spell that lasted for quite a few yeas until my late 40's when my bedwetting came back. I too found diabetes being the main cause. My wetting is nightly again now and I get pads and slips via the NHS continence service.If you get you doctor or diabetic nurse to refer you a continence nurse you will get supplies delivered to your door from the NHS supply chain and they will be free of harge
I to had problems growing up then dry for several yrs then around 50 started again and like you the cause was being a diabetic.Good luck
Hi @Sadandembarrassed, Welcome to our forum and I'm glad you stopped by to introduce yourself! It's also good to see you're from Britain as it's home to quite a few of our more active members. I'm Bill and live in Florida and have been on this forum for several months. This is easily the best place to be when talking about incontinence and everybody here knows how you feel and what you're going through! You will quickly find that this is a place that's decidedly non-judgmental and you won't feel "put down" or embarrassed to be here by any stretch of the imagination. Forum members here are very friendly and very respectful of one another. So you have come to the right place!
I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're having and covid definitely causes a lot of complications for so many people so please don't feel you're alone! You have plenty of support right here! I'm also sorry to hear about the negative reactions and public shaming you've had to endure when you were a child. A lot of us know what that's like too.
And please don't feel degraded and infantile, because incontinence can and does happen to anyone at any age, as all of us on the forum can attest. It is a medical condition and everyone here sees it as such and we advise accordingly. You still have your dignity and have made your mark on the world by being a caring mom and good person all around!
So please consider this an invitation to come here whenever you have something on your mind or just want to vent! We are open 24/7 and there is always someone around!
According to the continence nurse I see periodically. incontinence isn't all that unocommon in older diabetics.
Not sure of the wording you want, but is it time to talk to your child about respect? Time your child learned you have a medical condition, not one "shaming" will do anything about except alienate you. Ask her/him if they'd do it if you had cancer. Maybe find an intermediary? Does the NHS have a counseling service, even one that would talk to her/him? Set limits and rules and stick to them.
Good luck and hang in there. Maybe the UK doesn't have 70,000 dedicated people who disbelieve in Covid19 and the vaccinations, and they can lift the lock down sooner. Get that child out of the house. Any place you could move for a week or two for respite? Or make her/him do it. I like that one better; you are in charge.
AlasSouth - Tough love! Sometimes it works.

Sadandembarrassed - Like everyone says, no need to be embarrassed. You'd be surprised how many people deal with incontinence at every age whether or not there is an additional medical issue. It must be part of the evolution experiment! Even animals often have this problem. You just have to protect your body and your bedding from the consequences and keep going. We're with you.
Welcome to this forum.

It would be good for you to discuss these feelings with a doctor and see if they can refer you for some talking therapy and specialist continence advise. As Steve said, you can get free pads from the NHS and these will help with night voids. Don't suffer and get some help. We are all here to help too so welcome.
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