Hernia Mesh Advisory


Staff member
I just received notification of a lawsuit about a hernia mesh. I don't have one nor know about them. But I thoght I'd mention it here in case someone might find that information useful.
I've seen it, or a story about it. I was unable to bring up Consumer Reports, just now. I think they use meshes for an incontinence operation, too. Same one? At the time, I believe it was from a legitimate source.

If you haven't got a mesh,


I've been getting a barrage of texts that my Credit Union Account is compromised. That's funny, I do not have, and did not ever have, an account with that Credit Union. I called. They laughed. "We get so many we don't even bother to ask for a copy, anymore."
The latest? "We've tried 3 times to reach you. You are in danger of losing your account..." Hay! (Not "Hey". Hay produces the bi-product that comes from the North end of a South-bound horse. Or maybe the horse produces it - I forget.)

I get notices that my Social Security Account is frozen.
The phone number they want me to call is my area code, and the town I used to live in 13 years ago (for 30+ years). The "exchange" part of the phone number is my old exchange, assigned to that city. Right. The Social Security office there closed years ago. Then I discovered I could see the entire address list, the CCs, so to speak. It was our area code, and that exchange, in numerical order, over 2 thousand of them.

I get what used to be called "The Nigerian Scam" ("My husband was a general and he had an account with 25 million dollars and I can't access it except with an Anerican bank. [They usually have mispellings, badly grammar, or bad puncu'tion.] I'll give you half-a-million. Just give me your account number and I'll deposit it. You send me 24.5 million, keep the half million.")
Almost every time, if you read the email origin, the country marker is one of the obscure Eastern European countries, or off-shore.
God! How do they live with themselves? That's easy. If you have not got a soul, it won't bother you a bit.

Hopefully, someone here can find out if it's real.

What a world.
@AlasSouth The mesh lawsuits are REAL. Unfortunately my ex isn’t litigious, though I’ve encouraged him to be, because he is fast running out of money after three months of chemo and three to go, plus radiation.
Okay, Good that it's not another scam.

Have you - or anyone - got a link?

No sure when you posted this.
Something wrong with my internet

Thanks for responding.
@AlasSouth Sorry, I don’t know of any particular lawsuits, but after researching it for Andy a year ago, I do know there are multiple lawsuits. All of the meshes can cause severe problems but the hernia ones seem to be the worse.
I have one in May, 2015 I had an abdominal hernia repair with mesh, it failed three months later. It’s a long story but I have not had the repair surgery, they want to remove my belly button and put a much larger mesh in and I’ve been reluctant to have it done. I’ve stayed away from the attorneys because I’ve felt that it was a scam.
This is dreadful. I've seen a lot about the tragic results of mesh used for UI in women. This is the first time I've heard of mesh being used for hernia.

I keep waiting for mesh used for male UI to throw up problems too.

Why do they keep putting mesh into people?
Just for a bit of background on the mesh used for implants, the Big Pharma company that used to make the mesh, especially for women post-pregnancy, and men with hernias quit making the material about 5-7 years ago due to lawsuits from failures, and was sold to Invista (Koch Brothers again)! Invista attempted to get approval for quite some time, but our illustrious FDA sat on it for years until a Chinese substitute somehow got into the market (The Artist known as Hunter Biden ????) It was fast tracked for approval, but only after thousands of procedures failed did they find the material China was using was made of shredded and reformed soda & beer can plastic rings! This was not even close to medical grade and caused thousands of failures & infections + additional surgeries to remove it. Most of the surgeons had no idea what they were implanting, and the company marketing it here filed bankruptcy and mostly disappeared. Most of these lawyers are just billing in hopes the individuals on the US side are held to account. I’ve not heard of anyone actually getting paid for this damage, and there is a lot of redacted material out there making it impossible for the average citizen to learn anything without hiring a lawyer. I did a number of investment projects with Invista a few years back, this is where I learned what I’ve shared.
Snow, I’m so sorry to hear about your ex-husband, and anyone else suffering, this was just another money grab by China and unscrupulous Americans…
When I worked for a Urologist 20 years ago, they used cadaver tissue for the slings. Then they came up with the mesh but we never really saw successful mesh slings for stress incontinence or the mesh to repair hernias. The mesh irritated the tissue and became infected. Most had to be removed and the patients had a long recovery.
@Dmorris Wow, just wow. I don’t think I would ever take the mesh even if I had a severe prolapse (which runs in my family). I can’t believe it’s still being used. Did the cadaver tissue work better?
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