
Staff member
I've just joined this forum. I bed wet occasionally - every month or so. There is no pattern in terms of fluid intake, the only constant is that I dream I'm in the bathroom.
GP hasn't been very helpful - have had a scan which revealed nothing concerning. Am at a loss as to why this is happening or indeed what to do about it and if I need to worry at all. Thanks

You have seen a GP and they have told you there is nothing abnormal going on medically, that should put your mind at ease. Have you been tested for Diabetes? Do you have any family history of Diabetes?

Only thing I can recommend is wearing protection to bed and that hopefully will provide you with a good night sleep. What do you do currently for protection?
@Zigzag1 I totally get where you are coming from. When my bedwetting first started when I was a teen it was so random and infrequent that I really didn't even look at it as a problem. Like you it was once every few months more or less and was more an inconvienece than anything.

Even now my frequency is about once a month. Sometimes a few times in a month, other times less than once a month. It is so random and and yes no real pattern. I can spend a day of hard mt biking or kayaking staying well hydrated to the point I got to pee frequently and stay totally dry that night. while other times have limited fluids during the day and evening and wake up wet. Totally un predictable.

I don't have a pee related dream all the time but it does happen. When I have them I usually wake wet, but have had pee dreams and woke dry too.

As to what to do you did the first and most important thing already, seen a doctor. Glad the doctor didn't find anything out of the norms, though that is also frustrating at the same time. If you haven't already checking for diabetes probably good to do so as @laalaauk suggested. Keep a track of wet nights and look to anything from what you ate, drank, medicine, activity level, life stressors, or anything that might link to a trigger cause.

For me I've kept a calendar on my phone were I mark when I bed wet. I note anything that might have been a contributing factor. Usually I have nothing to note as it is so totally random. Sometimes I can point to stress factors or being over over tired. But other than that no clear reason or triggers for my bedwetting.

In the area of how to manage it. Well since I bed wet so infrequently I do not wear protection at night when home. I have waterproof mattress covers and a waterproof bed pad to sleep on. When I am not home I wear Depends Real Fit for men. I am not a heavy wetter when I bed wet so they work great for me. Most of the time I wake dry when away from home, probably cause I don't sleep as deep, so the real fits are more for just in case thankfully.

I hope you get a lot of good advise here and feel free to ask any questions. Great group of people here that just want to help each other manage wether it is bedwetting or incontience.

Do these incidents correspond with any changes in food or liquid intake? Other stressful events? Try and journal as much as you can if it happens. It might help discover a pattern.

My suggestion would be protection, but for very infrequent events, you may waste a lot of money. If you did go this route, perhaps a reusable cloth diaper would work? Wear it for a few nights and launder when dirty.
laalaauk said:

You have seen a GP and they have told you there is nothing abnormal going on medically, that should put your mind at ease. Have you been tested for Diabetes? Do you have any family history of Diabetes?

Only thing I can recommend is wearing protection to bed and that hopefully will provide you with a good night sleep. What do you do currently for protection?

It's not normal for adults to wet the bed, so having a GP tell me there is no problem when there clearly is would make me want a new doctor.
@Zigzag1 nightly bedwetter here (and day time). I ultimately was diagnosed with OAB which is basically a catch all for "we don't know what's wrong". I started with intermittent bedwetting at around 34 years old and it rapidly progressed to nightly and then followed by daytime urgency and then daytime accidents. You're far from the only one.

It's hard to justify wearing a diaper to bed every night for a once a month problem, but you could try cloth (I think disposables would be a huge waste of money for a once a month accident)or some absorbent underpads and mattress protector.

Meantime, I'd keep raising the issue to you doctor. Just bear in mind they often never really figure out the true root cause of this and treat with a blend of meds and management techniques. I gave up on meds and ultimately chose to manage with absorbent products.
Zigzag1 said:
Thanks @Jaytee it helps to know you are not the only one with a particular problem.

@Zigzag1 You are welcome, anytime. I felt the same as you, I must the only guy over 20 who was peeing his bed. Then I found out, via the internet, that it is not totally unheard of for an adult to have intermittent bedwetting issues. As Mike says not total normal either and good to keep the question in your doctors mind. But keep the faith and knowledge that you are not alone in dealing with this.

Feel free to message me anytime if you want to talk.

My concern about this approach is that you have only been to your GP. I reccomend that you see a GOOD urologist and from my experience only 1 in 5 is good. 1 in 20 is excellent which is what you want. So many of them run stndard tests, dont see anything on the report back and wash their hands of you. However, they did generate income and rule out some things. Maybe even consider a neurologist or a med center that can tag team twixt the two
Welcome, ZigZag1. I can't believe a GP told you it is "normal". If I wasn't already skeptical about the medical industry.
There are other things you can look for. Check out Sleep APNEA, for example. APNEA isn't just an old fart problem.
Check around this site.
I agree with MikeJames, although I'd be tempted to get a new doctor now, not later. There are other "diagosis" that amount to "I don't know", but ruling out serious infection, cancer, etc, should be an immediate goal. Check with the Nurse - they take more time and are often more forthright.
The "journal" idea is excellent. Sometimes, we don't see the forest for the trees.
Experimenting with diet, exercise, time of day for activities & food/liquid intake, is good. Try for consistency for that.
If money is an issue, check around this site, too. You aren't the only one. Doctor's office will occasionally negotiate. Some diaper companies will offer samples.
Hang in there. God Bless.
I agree with all of you, that bedwetting is a problem and doctors shouldn't say it is normal. I been incontinent for many years now and my incontinence started with bedwetting. It's not normal to me and I went through the same thing with doctors. Until I found one that was understanding about my problem. We came to a agreement for my bladder issue witch was PT, every 2hours go and wearing diapers. In witch I been in since I was nine years old.
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