Help with personal hygiene


Staff member
Hello, is it ok to ask for help with personal hygiene/nappy changes when there are no physical challenges, I have incontinence and have to change 4-5 times a day normally, usually I change nappies myself, but in the last few days I have struggled a bit mentally which in turn means that I stay in bed with anxiety and therefore can't quite bear to care about how wet the nappy is.
Yes it’s okay to ask for help. Mental health issues can be as debilitating as physical. If you aren’t already, it may help to seek out a social worker or other professional to talk to. Many of us here get that help.
It sounds as if you need to focus on dealing with your emotional issues right now. As for the not caring, would you be able to put yourself onto a schedule so that you change every x hours or x times a day? You may find that a wet nappie will irritate your skin, and you will want to change in order to alleviate the discomfort, and, while you’re about it, a bit of a cleanup might feel good…. Thus you will tide yourself over until this “rough spot” passes. Which it will, in time and with help.
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