Help Us Improve NAFC!


Staff member
Hello Valued Members!

As you know, the mission of NAFC is to provide education, support, and advocacy for those living with or caring for someone with bladder and bowel health conditions. We are constantly trying to improve our offering, and are hoping you'll take 5 minutes to complete our survey and share your thoughts on how we might improve.

Please take our brief survey to let us know how we are doing and provide suggestions and thoughts on how we might improve our offering and community.

Thank you!
I would suggest a separate forum for under 18 or 21 years of age.
Perhaps where they can read other forumn but only receive reply from NAFC clinical advisor.
I continue to hate reading anything pertaining to how incesssnt mens sex drive is. I’m thoroughly sick of hearing about how elderly men who end up with ED can’t just settle down and find other things to enjoy about life other than masturbating. ALL women give up on sex because Men-O-Pause gives us no other choice. You don’t see all of us complaining about that here. ED has nothing to do with bladder incontinence and doesn’t belong as a topic here.

Furthermore, as usual, this website’s topics are 99%, if not more, about prostates. I think you should seriously consider renaming your organization to Prostate-Problems-R-Us. There are only 3-4 women active on this forum and the biggest reason for that is because the primary topic is prostatectomy recovery. This isn’t really an incontinence forum; it’s a post-prostatectomy forum.

The moderation of “god bless you” and “sending prayers” content has not changed at all since religion was banned from this website last year.
Thank you all for your comments and for answering the survey. We will use the responses to make some good improvements and updates in the coming months.

Just a quick note: we saw in the survey that some people are not aware of who NAFC is or how we operate. For those of you who mostly just visit the forums, know that this is a small (but important!) part of our overall organization. We have a whole wealth of information about various bladder and bowel health conditions on our website, I encourage you to visit it to learn more about your condition, read articles, listen to our podcast, etc. There's a lot to offer.

I'd also encourage you to read the posts pinned to the top of the forums about NAFC to find links for more of our resources and more information about us.
After hitting continue on the survey I got a bad gateway message. Not sure if my survey was recorded.

I had not thought about the majority of topics being related to prostate. But that was my issue and I was not looking for nor thinking about female incontinence issues.

On the other hand, there have been several ladies who have made wonderful contributions to the male related topics.

Perhaps there could be sub forums that cover broader topics:

Pregnancy related incontinence
Bladder related issues
Stress incontinence
Absorbent products
@snow - snow, I always appreciate that you speak your mind. - No one here knows how many would join an under 18 forum if it were available. How many avoid posting anything because they are young people surrounded by older people with nothing in common? - It is probably a lonely embarrassing situation to be in when sometimes even we being "more mature" sometimes don't have a clue. - Does it really matter how many would be on a under 18 forum. What if you were the only one? - Yes, it would still matter - Pam
I bet plenty of computer-savvy young people come here, know how to use the search function, and find out what they need to know: the names of the best diapers and bedpads and the reality that those are the choices for most of us. We’ve had quite a lot of young people introduce themselves to us over the years (or maybe they were older fetish trolls masquerading as being under 18). I don’t mind if there is an 18 or younger section, but I think they’d be pretty lonely in there.
After reading so many posts here on NAFC, it seems as if so many, myself included started experiencing ic issues at an earlier age and even in our teens.

As adults with more maturity, life and gained coping skills you’d think you could offer a youth some helpful advice, but the answer is NO!

In a Sue happy society we can no longer offer advice and communicate with minors regarding medical and personal issues.
Some poor innocent non-clinically licensed adult trying to be helpful is going to end up as a liability victim at the hands of the parent or guardian of a minor. Just because they can.

Perhaps the better solution is that NAFC has an: I am over 18 button to join the forum. Otherwise they need a separate platform, or another site to accommodate their questions and concerns..

Unfortunate as it may seem. That’s the world we live in.
I for one have been grateful for being able to share advice, learn of experiences, symptoms and treatments from others as well as gain product knowledge from all of you here regarding adults coping with incontinence.
None of which have been children.
Best to be helpful and wise.
Kind regards,
Let me just add. Pam and Snow you’re absolutely correct, and I don’t disagree with either of your comments.

I don’t think the minors are going to be able to get the support they’re looking for from us particularly.
My two cents worth is,let it be a clinically licensed adult led forum for youth talking to youth. Their language, their experiences, their solutions with injections from a professional RN or other.
It would probably grow in youth attendance. If theirs one who is asking for advice, there’s probably ten who aren’t.

There could be professional monitoring protection I’d imagine. The cyber world can be dangerous.
Still a shame all the same.
@JoeAK - I have to say that yes dealing with children/ anyone under legal age brings with it a whole different dynamic when legally dealing with them. The Nafc would certainly have to look into those ramifications before starting down that path. - How do you protect everyone when for the most part when all they are looking for at a young age is input from another young person in a similar position? They probably aren't thinking about legalities - just SOMEONE ELSE IN THE SAME BOAT. - I have only seen a few posts from parents/ or a child looking for answers. - Yes, snow is right. There are always those creepy adult trolls. My husband is an amputee, and although the forum he looks at is diligent - there are always those who get their jollies from looking at pictures of your stump if they can talk you into it. - It would be great if the nafc could pull off a youth forum. But, I think that you could be right - it would almost have to be a completely separate non profit unrelated to nafc - covering legal protections for all involved, and the proper licensed trained personnel. - Would anyone from nafc be willing to step out, reach out to anyone that they know who could organize such a needed organization? - Somebody must know someone who could take that first
step. Not easily done I know - I have no doubt. - I have no clue either. Who am I to judge? - re snow's comment that a youth nafc forum would be a very lonely forum, because they would only have one.- Perhaps that is true. But, it always starts with just one. - Pam
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