Hello folks


Staff member
Hello folks, I am not a well versed writer/blogger but feel the need to pass along my prostatectomy experience. I'm 56, 6ft., 300lbs, with an initial PSA of 22 and my activity level is low. I am "very lucky" to have one of the top DaVinci robotic surgeons in the world. Before my operation I researched this procedure from pre-op to post-op. Learning as much as possible. The only thing that caused me worry was incontinence. The operation went well and recovery was surprisingly quick. Very little pain. The only thing that was not elaborated on in my research was the position of the body on the operating table. Imagine your head almost touching the floor and your pelvis almost touching the ceiling. Then imagine one leg pointing East and the other leg pointing West. In my case, the dramatic extension of the legs was enough to cause great discomfort and 3mos later I still cannot bring my knees together in a seated position. I'm sure that diligent exercise would be beneficial. Sadly though I don't have enough motivation to rectify this problem as quickly as I should. As for the incontenience... ...OMG. I did not know how difficult this was going to be. First of all, I want to "thank you all" for your tips and advice in getting some kind of control of this problem. To those of you that must endure this ailment permanently. My prayers and and wishes for your search for comfort are realized.
Sounds like a horrible recovery for you!! Incontinence is a horrible thing to deal with but it could still be worse, or do feel fortunate that I have a wife who is understanding and that the rest of my body works mostly normal, justagingaches and pains. So keep on keeping on and do what you need to do to stay positive!!
It doesn't appear you had a very competent surgeon. They say, and I am quoting from other non Urology Professionals, one being a heart surgeon, 2 neurologists and one being a gastroenterologist, that urology is merely a catchall for those in medical school that want to be specialists, but are no good at anything. Basically, urology is easy and an easy way to earn money.
They are lousy surgeons and about 90% of them fall into this category. I found 3 BAD urologists and subsequently left the practices of them. One had NO CLUE and when I went into his office to talk to him, it looked like it had been trashed by a tornado. He could not find anything. The next was a wierdo who liked to peak at you while you dressed and was great at causing UTIs through dirty instruments as well as not knowing how or caring to use the examining instruments properly. The last one was higher than a kite. Bloodshot eyes, white stuff on his nose, rambling speech and unable to read what he wrote in your records. I reported him to the medical board.
Thanks for sharing your experience, it's a great way to learn about different issues from a unique perspective.
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