Happy Sunday NAFC


Staff member
Hey guys and gals,

Just want to wish you guys a Happy Sunday. What are your plans for the day? Trying to stay positive and reflective for the future in nature - the increased stress of my significant other and trying to push myself to rise above my family has my bladder detruser (i think thats what my urologist called it) muscles in constant pain.

I ended up cleaning up and rearranging my bedroom the other day and currently just relaxing.


My significant other as you know when he suffers from his bipolar "mania" as he calls it - can be extremely abusive; he tells me not to correct him in public - but overall i feel like i need a shepard to guide me.

Speaking of which, funnily enough in the game Silent Hill: Homecoming, the main protagonist is named Alex Shephard who comes back home to unravel the story between his controlling mom and dad and how they always treated his younger sibling better and distanced the two in there cultist town.

I find it an interesting juxtaposition as the town i live was known for Christian perfectionism in a commune. Also, my Dad and Step Mother and family have purposely distanced my brother and I and i remember being younger my step mother telling myself that my brother didnt love me.

This past Christmas season around January (im not invited to Christmas festivities with my brother, step mom, and dad Christmas Day) I remember my step grandmother telling myself in past tense that what my brother will remember most is my support. Gosh that still haunts me in my brain. What are they planning?

Besides all that, im trying to enjoy this Sunday with my cat. He's a spoiled boi who loves to eat and cuddles with myself while i enjoy video games.

Ive found when dealing with bladder spasms and bladder issues; a pet can help because they will spend time with you and treat you no lesser than what people can. They love us unconditionally and i just wanted to share a picture of a cat I have fell in love with.

I hope your Sunday is going well. Please share a pic of your pet who helps you with your health problems.

Honeecombs: After hearing our older married friends correct each other when they told about some event (It was Tuesday. No dear it was Wednesday. --It was 1982. No dear it was 1981. It was 9pm. No dear, It was 10pm.) my husband and I made a pact to deliberately not correct each other. What the heck difference does it make to the people hearing the story. They'll forget it in an hour anyway, but they won't forget the tension involved in the correcting.
ritanofsinger said:
Honeecombs: After hearing our older married friends correct each other when they told about some event (It was Tuesday. No dear it was Wednesday. --It was 1982. No dear it was 1981. It was 9pm. No dear, It was 10pm.) my husband and I made a pact to deliberately not correct each other. What the heck difference does it make to the people hearing the story. They'll forget it in an hour anyway, but they won't forget the tension involved in the correcting.

Amen! I was at the store with my significant other and he always acts as if he is embarassed by somebody helping him. It's just the constant snaps, mood swings, and overall belligerent nature that makes me question whether or not he still cares about our relationship.

Still praying for things to rise.

Blessings In Christ,
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