
@physlink A big surprise when I started wearing these things is that I kind of like the padding. I wear heavier absorbency than I need because I find them more comfortable,

No UTIs for me yet, cross your fingers.
@Jgsvch all went well at the urology department today. None of the doctors or nurses said anything about me being hair free. Just me worrying about nothing! Cheers and thanks for the reassurance, Phil
Hi Phil,
So glad to hear that all went well at your doctor's visit today with no comments etc., with regards to you being hair free. Hope the rest of the visit went equally as well. All the best JCP.
@Jgsvch I had a second go at Botox but with a higher dose, time will tell if it is the best thing to do, cheers Phil
@physlink eek! Good luck! Botox didn’t work for me but everyone is different. I hope it works for you this time.
@Spaz it was a difficult decision. In the end I decided that self Cathing is better than being wet all the time, not that either is great. I know it is just a temporary fix, not a long term solution. Thanks for your concern, Phil
@physlink How does self cathing work? When your bladder gets full you have to cath, or is more a matter of sticking to a schedule?
@Squander a bit of both. In the mornings I tend to be a bit dehydrated so will probably go for 5 hours and in the afternoon it might be 3 hours. The one that isn't fun is in the middle of the night. I have tried cutting down liquid before bed, but it doesn't seem to make much difference. Phil
Yeah, I don't cath and I still get up one or more times in the night. Recently I went all night without a pee break, it turned out I was retaining fluids so the trade off for uninterrupted sleep wasn't worth it.

I hope the Botox works well and lasts for you.
I had the higher dose also, my anxiety hit the roof, plus several UTI's ended up with a Foley, guess one thing the Botox settled down the spasms and the Foley was accepted so well by my urinary system. My Dr.'s are fine with that. They continue to push Botox here.

Right now I continue to self cath 6 times per day, and periodic large Foley's for dilation ordered by the urologist

And oops, no hair, much better I guess to control
If the Botox works, I will be joining you on the self Cathing 6 times a day. Yes, no hair makes keeping clean easier, cheers Phil
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