Goodbye For Now 🐦


Staff member
Hey Guys,

Could you guys please assist me in a personal matter? Ive been silent for four days now, but i cant let this in any longer.

I have stalkers on here. Multiple usernames via a multiple party IP radius. I dont know if youve read the book "It takes a village" - however, i got myself into a personal situation last year that is currently being investigated by governing authorities. But due to the sensative nature of the situation, and how upset the other party is due to what has transpired - i feel ganged up on and i dont know how i can talk to you guys.

So anyway, i was stalked back in the year 2020 and could not prove it until 2021 after i came out of hospitalizations.

I was gone for a while this week because whenever i post something, the other party always drops into my thread. However, since its a legal situation, i cannot direct the blame specifically. But i want you to consider the following -

How come after i crested a community cookbook thread - right after a user by the name of "Jazzychef" created an account with the NAFC? I find that rather perciliar because you have to be signed in - in order to see threads. Which means someone who was logged into the NAFC message boards had to of seen my posts and created an account in order to try to communicate with myself.

Anyway, my last thread was not a goodbye but over the past couple of days i have came back and viewed replies to threads so im going to sum up a goodbye post - because i unfortunately want you guys to know that if you go back and read my postings and who i do not communicate with; you will see how long this has been going on.

I have tried so hard to stay strong with you guys, and i know in my heart i am on the right side of the fence here. But sometimes you have to take a step back and let nature run its course.

@Maymay941: I would send you chocolates in a heartbeat. Youve been so kind to myself. Im sorry i cannot explain much more. All i can say is sometimes we get put in situations where alot of people dislike us for standing up for ourselves - and i could only hold on for so long. I hope to be back soon enough. Love, Honeeecombs.

@billiveshere: Youve been an admirable guy who has helped me tremendously. This Sunday i am dedicating a prayer to you Bill. Two years ago when my bladder issues worsened, i suffered from mental ailments and could not cope with bladder issues. I also was suffering from personal issues that i worked through and never espoused on anybody here. But youve been there for me through thick and thin. You raised me up when the cards were down. God bless you.

@Jaytee: Thank you so much for being happy for me. I am trying to live life to the fullest, and i can only hope to continue that here someday - once this situation is over. God bless you.

@snow: Thank you for tagging me in everything. Thank you for being a friend to the people here. Youre extremely smart, and i hope to converse with you once this is over. God bless you.

@Jason: I got your message buddy. I do not have the medtronic interstim at this current time. My insurance ran out unfortunately after the trial and it is something i definetly want to pursue after i get back on insurance. Please talk to your urologist about it, it helped me so much. Blessings.

@Jeff: Hey man. I hope all is well. I will link up with you in a little bit man. Thank you for being a good penpal and person that has continued to drop in and pray for me, and just overall be there for me like Bill. You may have more questions than answers, but all i can say is sometimes we are judged for things that are not true. God bless you Jeff.

@BarbaraDrabek: Wherever you are, i hope you are doing well. I hope you wrote to your doctor and things are finally getting better for you. I know you said you live in an RV park, im guessing that is similar to a mobile home? I grew up after the divorce in a mobile home community. Its not the size of the home that matters, its the heart that inside it.

That reminds me after my mom got away from my abusive dad, when we went to go look at mobile homes at a place called G&I homes - the mobile home we got was called "The Dutchman Happy House" - it was a 1996 model. My mom always reminded me - that it was a "Happy House" and that we "Fight with our words and not with our hands". God bless you, wherever you are.

@NAFC: i hope to be back when you make improvements to the site and when this situation is over. Thank you for making improvements to the site. I look forward to seeing them someday in the future.

To Anybody i forgot in this community that is active and i talk to regularly, im sorry. Im thinking of you - im sorry i have to leave on such short notice - but i figured Sunday was a day to say Goodbye.


This forum has helped me on days when i experienced such bladder spasm pain that i was craweled up in bed not knowing what to do. I had you guys.

When i suffered from urgency issues and leaking almost every 10 minutes due to the spasms. I had you guys.

When the thoughts of my upbringing and humiliation and shame were battling my mental health and not being able to cope with bladder loss. I had you guys.

Well anyway, i gave you some clues. Maybe you will figure out in my last posts. The rest of them. I made a report to the IC3 yesterday, and i advised them i would go dormit on all my social media accounts until this is resolved.

So unfortunately, you wont get a reponse. But know, that regardless of whether or not im here. I appreciate you all. I am thankful you got me through a rough Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank you for being a friend.

"When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the 🌹 "

Hi Stuart somewhere in the forum home is sgregg@nafc who is the primary person
I did get a speedy response from his associate and was told they are aware and addressing the problem.

Good to bookmark the e mail in case you run into another issue though
Maymay941 said:
Hi Stuart somewhere in the forum home is sgregg@nafc who is the primary person
I did get a speedy response from his associate and was told they are aware and addressing the problem.

Good to bookmark the e mail in case you run into another issue though

Thank you very much!
Sorry to hear this Honeecomb. I wish you all the best and hopefully I will see you on here after a bit of time has lapse and things calm down for you.

My prayers are with you. 🙏

With love and support

Hi HC, I'm sorry to hear about the circumstances that make you have to leave and I hope that everything gets resolved quickly so you can rejoin us again.
But you are strong. You have a really good head on your shoulders and you're going to prevail!!! You have really grown to the point where you know how to express yourself and that is a most important trait for anyone to have in any life situation!
You have been and are a highly valued member here and you give us as much as everyone has given to you. After all that's what a community does; everyone helps everyone else. Because of that you are never away from us but still a part of us. Well you are truly unforgettable. And it has (and still is) my pleasure to know you!
Do take care and you know where we are! Please don't be a stranger!!!
Sorry to hear about your issues, you really add to the community on here and it was fun to talk videogames! Hope everything gets sorted out.
Dear Honeeecombs, You seem to derive so much support from our group, and you contribute so much, and I am so sorry that it is not safe for you to be here. Please take good care of yourself, and I hope to see you back again soon.
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