Good GI visit...Finally on my team. LONG POST.


Staff member
So today was the big day with the GI doctor that was a nightmare before. A lot was talked about today.

She is on board with everything,
Getting paperwork filled out,

Helping me transition from one Physical therapist to the next,
Trying to back off some of the bowel medications to give Physical therapist a better base line,

One board with doing more testing in after she gets me a new Physical therapist (She Is going to be an the other location on Monday and will check personally to see if the other person is back yet and then call me with options),

**Backing off meds is a trial thing and if I am get backed up I have to call and she will set me up with another test to see how long it is taking for stuff to move from my bowel out the back door*** (She did not want to do this test before seeing Physical therapy because she said that some time people with what I have ended up staying at the hospital because you cannot leave until you pass all the stuff and they cannot give you anything to help it along)

She is also very happy that I got in the see the PA-C. She said that because she is always set to do scopes, she does not get to see people as much but that the PA-C that I saw was one of the best... She has personally added him to my care team so I can be seen by him If need be ***ASAP type situations***.

She also noted that there is no way that I could work with what is going on... With backing off some of the medications she is most worried that the pain will be to much so it may be a situation were I am taken off all of it for a few days and then do other tests and then get back on....

**** This part was a big deal for me but is long*** I will Call my real GI doctor A.. and the one that messed everything up B..***
So there was a huge issue where GI as a hole never sent any documents to my insurance for my claim. Doctor A. explained what the biggest issue that happened was. So because I was seen by doctor B.. and they were going to be my GI doctor, when her nurse took notes doctor B was the only one that can view them. So when Doctor A.. took over my care, she truly had no clue what was going on. That nurse messed up big time because I had not records of any visit on file from GI they were all set as personal note and not my clinical notes. That meant that only doctor B... could view then. That nurse did it to more than one person that was seen by doctor B... So when I was seen by doctor A... the only thing she knew was what she had done when I was seen by her, Therefor there was no records of all the problems I was having...And here is the big part... Doctor A...and Doctor B.... both were using the same nurse for a few days this week and they just figured out what was up.

So the secretary in the office who was getting requests from my insurance had nothing to send because all my records were locked up like a bank volt.

Doctor A.... Figured all this out when my patient care person called to ask why I had so much trouble getting documents sent... Lest just say that the nurse got some really good job training after that.

So now it seems like I have a really good team working on my care and the only thing that I have to keep up with is making sure that I get my new Physical therapist this coming week..

Side note**** my initial review for long term disability went very well and there were only waiting on one set from my health insurance which I just sent the...So hopefully it is not the end of November before I get my next payment.

All in all not a bad day.
That explains alot!
Great to hear you are getting the care you need and now know why the information was not available
I'm truly happy things are looking up for you! Regarding the nurse, my college also offers nursing class. Unfortunately in my studies I see the many shortcuts that students take "just to pass" the course and they don't realize that it trickles in their future work. I fear for and of the next generation of nurses. Because of their mistake, they caused you many problems! I hope hope hope this doesn't happen again to you or anyone else.
Because I have a few long term health issues, I have learned to take a typed list of Medicines, Current Health Issues, Current Discussion Topics, and History of Procedures, Scans, Hospital Stays, Vaccines, Notable labs tests (Hep Panel, Celiac Disease Panel, ACTH Stimulation (Adrenal Gland / Coritsol)) with date, Doctor, and place. I make sure that these are placed in my medical charts at least one a year.

I am so thankful for this group! While my Prostatectomy problems may last 3 to 6 months, the valuable insight gained from Your Story and others has helped me.

I hope you have continued success with your new care team.
Hi FlGuy, You just keep hanging in there and persevering! You know that old cliché saying Rome wasn't built in a day! Well I think you probably feel that way still, but with your continuing efforts you are going to get through this! It's good to know where all of the hang-ups were and I like what you said about the nurse is now getting some good on-the-job training! :)
And we're wishing you a lot of success with your new care team!
Hi @23andpee, Haven't heard from you in a while so I bet you're really busy with your courses! :)I like what you said about your observations about the nursing students taking short cuts "just to pass." Knowing that would cause me some anxious moments because I would want somebody who would take the time to do a complete job from start to finish and not just to do as little as possible just to get a passing grade. So I really feel your concerns there!
You are so right. Those short cuts will become habits once they actually get out in the field and start working! Better for them to learn the correct and proper way to do things and to get in the habit of doing it correctly the first time. And it's true that when mistakes are made on the part of the nurse, it is the patient who is directly (and innocently) affected by it. So excellent post 23!!:D
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