Gold Standard


Staff member
I am two weeks to being one year from post prostate surgery. Incontinence is a major problem. I have tried AFEX, Hollister, Men's liberty, pullups and pads. Men's liberty seems to work best but any moisture will make them come off. I use extra tape to keep the catheter from coming off.

My Urologist is very nice but has no idea of what to do. I have had the ureteral bulking which turned out to be a total waste of time, money and resources. I have read much on the sling but don't think it would help in my case. My radiologist thinks my sphincter muscle was damaged during surgery. My Urologist or Surgeon hasn't commented.

Having said all this does anyone have any negative comments of the Gold standard procedure. I have been reluctant to suggest it but at this stage I will try anything.

Any pros or cons would be appreciated.

I googled “gold standard procedure,”can’t find anything describing what you might be referring to, nothing referring to urology.
"Gold Standard" procedure would, I believe, refer to the standard and accepted medical protocols for such an operation. It's not a named procedure.
gold stan·dard the term criterion standard is preferred in medical writing.
Term used to describe a method or procedure that is widely recognized as the best available.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Any standardised clinical assessment, method, procedure, intervention or measurement of known validity and reliability which is generally taken to be the best available, against which new tests or results and protocols are compared
Hi @Busterdays, I think gold standard is probably the procedure that is the most effective and/or most commonly used with the fewest complications and with the most widespread use. For that, maybe you can poll urologists in your area or go online and look up urological professional organizations and that may give you a clue to what that is. Once you are able to discern the name of whatever that procedure is, then it may be time to discuss that with your doctor. Good luck and I hope that helps!
Thanks everyone. You all are great. I will watch the recommended video.
I forgot to mention that had 35 radiation treatments and harmone therapy. I have 6 months to go
I have congestive heart failure and harmone therapy makes me unable to lose weight. The reason I was late getting prostate treatment was that I had a quadruple bypass in May and Dr wouldn’t let anyone operate. I’m not complaining. I’m alive. One problem complicates another.
Thanks everyone for the time and encouragement .
Thanks Snow
I’m a lucky guy all these happenings in a years time and I’m still alive. I fish, lead bible study ,active in church.
I just need to fix this problem so I can serve more.
Hi @Bustersday, I'm sorry to see that you have had such a rough go of it. Here's wishing you a lot of smooth sailing from here on and giving you plenty of encouragement. :D We're thinking of you and please stop by any time to chat and let everyone here know how you are doing.
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