Going out tomorrow


Staff member
I’m not a very religious person but every once in awhile I’ll go visit my friends at the Hindu/Krishna temple. I’ll be going there tomorrow and I think I have everything planned out. I’ll be carrying my new bag with enough diapers for the day along with wipes and plastic bags. Everyone is used to me carrying a bag and one of my close friends knows of my issues. It’s still nerve racking though
That sucks. Maybe take a moment and just sit and meditate and enjoy the rain. I'm AZ and that helps me keep balance the few times a year I get to hear it.
Pack a kitchen size trash bag and a spare pair of pants so if you seep through you have an alternative.
On another note:
I was wondering , you were on heavy antibiotics. Have you tried taking probiotic s to rebuild your gut. Ive seen it work after strong antibiotics were used.
Always good to get out, otherwise we wither away. have fun and be comfortable, remember this is the day the Lord has made and rejoice.
Each persons beliefs do not translate to others all the time. However, find what works and go with it. Else you have made a bed to wallow in that is full of sadness. You either look forward or not. That is your choice. Upside of rain, no one know if I peed. I love those days.
justej said:
Barbra - I don’t believe in that but thanks.

I love this forum! There is so much love and support here, and we share our differences with such acceptance and respect. I wish I had found this community sooner.
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