Going on another short trip


Staff member
So this Thursday some of my friends are taking me to a place in I think west Virginia (not totally sure. Im just along for the ride) for a belated birthday trip. We are going to some salt baths/caves, a restaurant etc. I talked to one friend tonight who asked if I would like to do a massage. I politely declined. Not ready to be that close to a stranger in a diaper even though I’ll probably never see them again. All of my friends that are going know of my diapers and incontienence and one of them has some bladder issues of her own and wears pads. So I’m not concerned about that. I’ll just take my backpack with swim trunks, a swimmates and a separate bag full of MegaMax. I always I always overpack even if I’m only gone for a day but I have not once regretted it. My bowel issues haven’t been too bad since I’ve been taking antibiotics. I thought I was going to have an issue today after I had an iced quad venti extra toffee nut almond milk latte. Lol. But I made it home in time. Looking forward to a day with friends.
You have some great friends ej. My granddaughter works for Starbucks and brings home some really good (past inventory date) goodies. Another granddaughter told me about the iced quad venti extra toffee nut almond milk latte or something like that.

I so like that all your issues don't hold you back from enjoying life and your friends.
@ritanofsinger it definitely hasn’t always been like that. I had to find a diaper I had confidence in (MegaMax)and had to start being open and honest with folks. I started out using attends and would leak all the time. There was a medical supply store right next to the apartment building where I lived. I’ve since moved (twice) and now I just order everything on Northshore. I had a roommate at the time and he was the first person I told. Then my doctor then my mom then my best friend. I got to a point where I told all of my close friends. My bladder issues stem from an accident and I finally got to a point where I just was tired of sneaking around and declining invites. I don’t tell everyone but those who are closest to me (and all my doctors) know. Plus i went through a the period where I had a SPC. I couldn’t really hide that.
Good for you EJ! So glad to hear you’re taking advantage of getting out and about! West Virginia has some absolutely beautiful areas, and the newest National Park in the Country, just south of Charleston, VA. Used to do quite a bit of whitewater rafting up there, no longer a good choice for me (unless they make kayaks with roll cages!)…..
My brother has a fishing cabin on the river just south of Charleston, love going up there!
Have a great trip, send us all some pics!
ej - thanks, I googled it. that must have been a difficult time for you. I spent a week at the Roswell Park Memorial Hospital in Buffalo in 1963 and several women patients there wore those pouches. They said they got used to them. I guess if there's no alternative you'd have to accept it.
Hhi @justej, That trip to West Va sounds great!!! It's funny you should mention West Va tonight, as I was just telling a good friend about the New River Gorge and that bridge that goes across the gorge. I saw that on a really spectacular fall day several years ago.
Have a great time and I know you have everything all planned out and under control! Please post some pics if you can tear yourself away from the fun you'll be having!
@ritanofsinger yea I hated mine. I think I had it for 4 or 5 months before I told my urologist to take it out. I’d rather wear diapers. I don’t regret having them remove it.

@billliveshere Thanks I will! And happy birthday to you! Is it today?
Have a great trip. It is good that you feel confident enough to be open with friends about your need to wear diapers. I’m in Uk, aged 58 and because of spinal issues ans surgery in my early 40’s have had to wear napppies (our term fro diapers). It took a lot of getting used to and like you people close to me so know I wear.

As for a massage, I love getting them and find them beneficial to my health and anxiety. I gave nervously told the therapist beforehand of my bladder issues and all hahe been very understanding and fine with ne wearing a nappy on the table. Initially embarrassing bit once I had taken that step I was fine. What I do though is make sure I put a dry one immediately before the massage which somehow feels more acceptable and considerate to the therapist.
HI @justej, Thank you! My birthday is today ---all day! They kind of gave me a head start late last night when I checked here and already had the birthday cake symbol posted. Not going anywhere today though. Do have fun in West Virginia!😊
Hey EJ, Sadly those beautiful rivers are so polluted from the coal companies you can’t even eat the fish. Because of that it’s great fishing, tons of fish! So we catch and release, drink beer & catch up! It’s all about the company, the scenery & the quiet and occasionally the Moonshine!
Have a great time!

I get a local massage every time I go to physical therapy. M legs are really tight all the time and PT also does a belly massage. It seems like the only time I really have a good BM is a few hours after that. It is one thing that my PT and I have talked about a lot. She feels like a lot of my issue is nerve and muscle damage in my belly that lead to nerve and muscle damage in my bowel. One reason for that is that I tend to empty out after PT but will not if I don't for a week.

I just hope that the rest of this year I get something figured out quick.

But I would never pass up a good massage.
Thank you @ritanofsinger! Yes it has been a birthday all day but it has been pretty much a rather ordinary one. I hope things are well with you!
Hi @snow, Thank you!! AS they say in the Navy it looks like I've re-upped for another year!! I hope that cough you had awhile ago was given the 🥾boot and sent on its way and you're feeling much better now. Take care and stay safe!!
@billliveshere I still have the cold but it’s cycling through it’s course and getting better overall; thanks!
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