Getting Very Nervous


Staff member
Gah! I meet a new urologist on Monday. The last urologist I met with was so rude I’m starting to get paranoid.

I don’t have, and have never been given a good explanation for my accidents. But, they have gotten so bad, I need to get advice.

I am worried that a doctor meeting with a relatively young person experiencing incontinence outside of the typical (BPH, OAB, spinal injury, etc) will just assume I’m a crazy person. At least that was how I felt last time. (She actually scolded me for having 300 ml left in my bladder after voiding.)

Just could use some positive vibes to let me stop catastrophizing.
Just give the new urologist a chance - there are good ones and bad ones in EVERY profession!

Go in w/ no preconceived notions or expectations and just see how it goes...

Be yourself and let it happen - you may be surprised!!!

Hope all goes well!

Can't understand a urologist who apparently expects your systems to be functioning perfectly, when manifestly they are not - whether or not you have any of the 'classic' ailments, you are seeing the doctor because there is something the matter and if she doesn't understand it or treat her patients kindly, I don't know why she is a urologist or indeed a doctor. I would hope that your visit coming up on Monday will be more successful. You obviously want a diagnosis and I hope you get one, but sometimes doctors can be puzzled by an ailment and unable to fit it into any category they know. In this case, I wonder, does it matter that much? I have OAB, have had all my life, but there isn't anything doctors or I can do about it, just wear protection all the time. (There was a possibility of surgery at one point but I am glad that I didn't pursue that - it might have meant insertion of mesh, which has been a dreadful outcome for some patients here, as it has ended up by causing a great deal of pain and wasn't reversible.) Anyway, best of luck on Monday, and I hope that this urologist will be good.
I have read many posts mentioning a cold urologist. I don't think it attracts doctors with a warm fuzzy interview style but you bring chided for urine in bladder you made a wise decision to not be disrespected.
So going forward you will benefit from your own dignity and intuition!
I agree with all of you, Drs. should not be rude or talk down to you< just keep trying ti find a good one. I had a hip replaced recently had a problem which i cant explain because it would go on and on. he wad uncomforting and rude which upset me a lot. I was told by another Dr to report it to the president of the institute that he is with.So my husband and I are going to report it. Part of the problem was the P A shunned the problem off. like it would take care of itself, and it didnt. Good luck Just a Guy and may God Blee You.
Give the new Dr a chance... I met with a new Urologist yesterday and had a great experience. No real answers yet but a very positive visit
Thank you very much, everyone. It really does help. I’m a bit non-confrontational and tend to blame myself first.

I typically don’t get down on myself for my incontinence problems, but I start to feel the shame when an ‘expert’ acts like It is my fault.

I am resolving to stay positive and come Monday evening I expect to be telling you all, “there was nothing to worry about!”
After going to too many dr.s I finally found one that did a through urodynamic study. My neurogenic bladder condition was discovered and explained my incontinence.
When it comes to anyone you are doing business with remember, you are paying them for the service they provide. If you are not comfortable with the one, ask to see another. If that happens more and more, the people employing that person are going to start asking why do people not want to see you and why should we keep you employed? You are in control, not them.
@wyr13 Yeah, I often forget that point. I’ve gotten used to doctors acting the way they do, and need to remember they are Supposed to be there to help me.
UPDATE! I am glad to report that my fears were unfounded, and not all urologists are the same.

I had my appointment this morning and it was so wonderfully different. Everyone, from receptionists to techs to the Dr. were amazing and friendly. My Doctor calmly and patiently let me explain my history and gave me her perspective. She explained a lot that I did not know and immediately came up with a plan of action.

Even better, as soon as I left I received follow up calls from the testing departments to schedule the next visits. I was sent home with new supplies, and they will be shipped to my house regularly starting in a couple days.

It felt so good for someone to validate my concerns and provide a helpful course of action.

Thanks too to you for the support.
Great news! I am really glad to hear this. I've read your post a couple times and wá praying that things would go well. Thanks for posting this.
I'm so glad your visit went well! Finding the right doctor can be a huge part of figuring out what's wrong and how best to address it. I hope you're able to start working towards some answers!
Thats great, glad to hear it. I am off off my first major journey from my comfort zone. Going up the street about 5 hours to get some logs from my parents for firewood. Getting a late start because I have to plan around the bathroom in the morning. Sucks. Oh well, it will prepare me for my trip to Idaho Falls later to see my daughter.
Wyr13 I'm glad you brought this up.
I can't remember if my morning always started and revolved around toilet laundry and personal care before finally being able to leave the house.

I have sometimes thought no matter even an emergency I can't throw on clothes to rush out if an early morning issue arose apart from the ones I plan.
If the house is on fire I'd still need to shower first! at the very least!
Oh, by the way, the trip was uneventful as far as my problem goes. My parents guest bath has one of those toilets that you have to decide which one you have to go, so that was a chore but that was the worst of the whole ordeal. That and the mount that holds by toolbox on the tire rack broke so I had to strap one end of the toolbox up for the entire trip. I guess the stainless steel welds only last about 20 years under the stressful conditions on a car trailer. I thought about asking my friend that built it what the warranty is on manufacturing flaws, see if he would get a laugh out of that but knowing him, he would insist on fixing it. :D - One note to all who read this, don't buy trailer tires and wheels on Amazon. Thought I would save money doing that once. The first time I tried to use those tires hauling a 70KW Generator, one came completely off the rim before I went 5 miles. After that, I went to Les Schwab and said give me 5 good trailer tires (one spare). I haven't had a problem since.
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