Get on with life


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Well, never thought I'd be sitting around talking about what diapers to use or whatever. Anyway, I've decided this morning that I can sit here in the house all day and watch TV, afraid to go out anywhere because I have no bladder control, or I can get out and enjoy life. My prostatectomy was 9 weeks ago and the incontinence has not gotten any better. I'm trying different products, pull ups and pads and have gotten a back pack that I have filled with pull ups so if I go out I'll have enough. I worry about being at friends and having to excuse myself so I can go change. Anyway, I am tired of isolating and have to get out and go on with life. I do have a question about what others are using to help with rash. So there you are, have a great day to all. P.S. I am doing kegel excercises and walking ever day hoping that this will help with the incontinence..
Nine weeks is not a very long time. I know you're anxious, I still leak more than I think I should at 28 months. Stay away from high ph level drinks and start kegel exercise 30 to 45 minutes a night. You will see some improvement but it takes longer than expected
Calmoseptine is great for a barrier cream and to help with rashes. You can find it at most drug stores.
Being patient is not easy. Radical prostatectomy is major surgery and recovery takes quite a while. I’m 6 months out from my surgery and down to one pad a day. Walking and kegel are the best things you can do. It will get better. Keep a good attitude and hang in there.
It’s been four years since my prostatectomy and my urinary I continuance and my leaks are still severe. I also have bladder cancer and require surgery/chemo every year, courtesies of Agent Orange. Two years ago I scheduled the AUS but canceled out because I thought the cons outweighed the pros. But now I am looking at it again. At 73 I worry about my cognitive abilities to manually operate it in later senior years. Still, I am training up to swim the English Channel in August, before the AUS surgery.

I am 73 yrs old, and 2 years post my radical prostectomy I'm down to 2 light shields a day, just want to tell you that everyone is different,but please done give in to this leakage, I promise it will get better. it takes a lot of will power, and patience, trust me. I felt the same way you did at the start, my problem at the start was I didnt do my kegels like I was supposed to. I started doing them on a daily basis, and it started to get somewhat better. I cut out all carbonated beverages and caffene, that really helped. I wore a pull up everyday with a thick pad inside of it, and after about 9 months I could give up the pull ups, and just wore thick pads inside my underwear. About 1 year I went to pelvic floor therapy for 6 weeks, and that really helped me. So good luck on your journey, stay focused on your kegels, watch what you put in your body, just drink plenty of water. Text me anytime if you want to talk, this is a great forum for support
You have now gotten to the point that most of us get to ....eventually.
That being that we wont stop living our life because of the inconvenience.
What I have learned from this forum is that all of our circumstances are different. Some lucky people have control right away and some never really get it back.
We can all hope and keep doing what we are supposed to be doing.

I am 70 and 4 months post-op and I still leak during activity....or if I drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol. Which i still do occasionally.

I am using less pads per day than originally but still a minimum of two per day.

Here is my system if it is of interest or helps.
I wear a depends diaper instead of underwear and put a pad inside because its quick and easy to change anywhere.
The diaper is really a back up as the pad works fine for the leakage.
It felt bulky at first but its not noticeable and now I just don't think about it.
I have an assortment of light and heavy pads depending on what I am going to be doing that day.
I hike trails with elevation changes 8-10 miles a week, play golf and don't limit my activity.

I stay dry at night except for getting in and out of bed so I still use a Depends diaper ....just in case.

I have never had a rash and just use Baby powder to help me feel dry and provide some deodorizer.
And I make sure I change the pad when it gets wet as soon as I can.

I still don't have much of a sex drive as most of my nerve bundles were unsalvageable. I am hoping that improves but it is what it is.
Medication has too many side effects for me so I am now trying injections.
Sounds worse that it is !!
I agree I at one time I never thought I would be on a board like this talking about wearing diapers but diapers have become part of our everyday lives and after going through all the phases that lead to acceptance and now we discuss wearing diapers and other forms of protection in order to offer advice and support to our fellow group members so yes diapers have made themself part of our everyday life including talking about us wearing diapers but we are all here to offer each other advice and support on wearing diapers to help make our lives better with wearing diapers
Going out of my house. March 8, 2021 - I have posted this before, but plan to save it this time. I am about 5 1/2 months post prostatectomy on Sept 24, 2020.

I am leaking about 24 ounces a day or 22% of fluid intake. I am an extreme case doing my kegels, walking, and finished pelvic floor electro stimulation physical therapy. It took 4 months (18 weeks) to seeing improvements starting. Night time has improved, but still about 2 ounces a night.

This works for going to friends, doctor appointments, shopping. Especially important if having to use a public restroom.

I layer my depend pullups ( 2 or 3 ) with a pad and use large (at least 8 by 12) dog poop bags to contain the smell when discarding. My close friends know and can appreciate me respecting their home while taking care of my health needs. This method does not require me to take off my shoes and pants. I wear cargo pants for my phone, so my clothing did not change. In a cargo pocket, I keep 2 depend pads, a small pair of scissors to cut out the inner depend pullup if needed, and a small roll of the dog poop bags. I prefer the unscented bags so that the scent does not draw attention.

A fully COVID vaccinated friend came over this weekend to watch a movie, I had to tell him to stop asking and announcing "You got to pee?". It was just the 2 of us, but very annoying. It is okay to let people know, hey thank you, but you are making it a big deal when it does not need to be.
So. I’m traveling this weekend and this is what I’m using during the day. Prevail air overnight briefs. Thinner but affective. I put those in my backpack. Inside I have extras and grocery bags/dog poop bags. When I’m at a friends house I just bring that in. Swap it out and put it in the grocery bag and either put it back in the bag or I dispose. Depending whose house I’m at. If I’m at grocery stores. I just walk out with the grocery bag tied shut and throw it in the trash as I’m walking out.

Hope this helps!
MrPhil, we're you joking about swimming the channel?

I'm not a guy, so I don't have the same frame of reference but I can definitely concurr with getting on with life. Ive been mopping around for the last few months and I have realized that I need to just get on with it, period. My circumstances may not ever change but what goes on in my head and my attitude certainly can change. Honestly you guys are an inspiration to me.
Dear Jim10: I am 74 and almost nine months post RP and virtually dry day and night. I wear a little shield or a guard when doing a LE detail for safety. I would suggest searching for a good physical therapy outfit that specializes in post RP procedures and learn the proper way to do Kegels and the related exercises that promote the Pelvic Floor mussels to wake up. I still carry a couple of spare Shields and Guards in my briefcase just because of what my Dad used to tell me..."Son, it's better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it..." You will find a big change occurring between 5 and 7 months. Until then I would suggest you get off the couch and get into action doing something you love. Walk your dog or walk your neighbor's dog, volunteer to help others and keep on keepin on! Best of luck and stay safe...Rayl in Arizona.
When I became incontinent My wife who is very pragmatic told me in no uncertain terms to stop moping about and wear a nappy and get on with my life. That was over 8 yeas ago. Sine then I have had countless tests seen several urologists and continence advisers. I have had to accept my incontinence is here to stay and have done just what my wife suggested. Wearing pads or slips hasn't stopped me doing anything. Once I learned how to adapt to this, honestly it just isn't a big deal.
Once I decided to wear diapers during the day 14 years ago (I’ve always worn at night for bedwetting), and adjust my thinking my life seemed as normal as possible. Struggled my whole life with daytime leaking and rushing to find bathrooms 15+ times a day. This caused terrible stress and always walking around wondering if people were noticing wet spots on my pants. By afternoons there was also too often a pee smell and also hoped no one would notice that.
Finding out I had a neurogenic bladder through testing also made my decision to go to 24/7 diaper use much easier. I am very fortunate that wetness never causes me any rash problems at all.
I don’t announce my diaper use nor do I hide from it. My stress levels went down to zero and life became so much easier when I accepted diapers as just part of my routine.
My wife is very pragmatic also about my wetting.We have been on vacations before the covid 19 just diaper up and go.
exactly diapers are just another form of underwear just diaper up and go

sport said:
My wife is very pragmatic also about my wetting.We have been on vacations before the covid 19 just diaper up and go.
My bladder control problem is the result of a series of medical mishaps when I was 14 years old. I’m 78 now. I’ve never been reliably dry at night since that series of medical mishaps and have worn a diaper at night ever since. By the time I went to university, I had managed to partially overcome my daytime leakage as the result of being a fanatic about doing what nowadays are called Kegel exercises. After that, I only required a daytime diaper if no bathroom was close by until I was in my mid forties, when my daytime issues worsened to the point that I’ve needed protection 24/7/365.

I realized as a teenager that if I didn’t want to be a shut-in, I had to learn to manage my incontinence effectively. Most of the urologists that I’ve seen have recommended using an external catheter attached to a leg bag instead of wearing diapers. But I have always preferred diapers; and the development of better and better disposable diapers have made things much easier now than in the old days when the only available diapers were cloth.

Needing to wear diapers is certainly a nuisance, but I have managed to have a successful professional and personal life despite the inconvenience. I suspect that developing my problem at an early age has allowed me to adapt to living with incontinence somewhat more easily than is the case for individuals who become incontinent much later in life. However, in my opinion, incontinence is a relatively minor handicap that need not interfere with doing anything you want to do if you reconcile yourself to managing the problems that the condition produces.
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