Gastroenterology appointment, life update, Rand and seeking advice.


Staff member
Had a very productive GI appointment today and got moved forward with more testing.

First, I got put in for the Defecography (proctography)test... Have to call radiology this week if they don't call me.

Second, my GI doctor is going to reach out to general surgery to see what is what with all the scans that will be done after the Defecography (proctography)test.

Third, My GI doctor realizes that there is a big issue after talking to my physical therapist and is going to me getting my whole care team to work together to see what the next steps need to be.

Lastly, My situation has not gotten better and she is going to see me after the Defecography (proctography) test and I may get admitted so that they can take me off all of my meds and get a better idea as to what my system is doing through scans once I am backed up... but she wants it to be done under their supervision so that I don't end up with diverticulitis from it.

As far as life goes, This all sucks. I am normally a happy person but this has all gotten to me more than I let on. My family has been supportive but right now I am living on the edge. I still have not gotten my second stimulus check and I hope to soon. I have just enough money to pay bills this month and have to wait to tell you I get my next disability payment to be okay fully. I will get my food stamps on the 14th so that will be good too.

Okay, rant time. I reached out to my HR team lead at work because the doctors wanted to know what insurance they should be billing.
So, my HR person informed me that I ran out of my FMLA and that they did not cover my premiums while I was still on short-term disability. So they are claiming that no premiums have been paid for the last 29 weeks. (That cannot be as I have pay stubs showing the deduction.) My records show that I should only owe for 10 weeks but the issue is that the premiums under the insurance are to be covered until I was on full-time disability which only started in October. So there is no way I own for 29 weeks.

They have also requestioned ADA accommodation paperwork again and it has to be turned in by 1/15/2021... Not a big deal but that does not cover me under FMLA anymore... So it like... How can they accommodate me to be able to come back to work... or I don't have a job there anymore.

As I have stated before, I liked what I did there but it is not the end of the world to have to start over if and when this all gets figured out but it sucks because I know that I don't own 29 weeks of premium payments so...

Not what I wanted to have to deal with today but I guess life is crappy anyway so might as well suck too.
Hey@ThatFLGuy,I just hate all that red tape they are making you go through, don't let them take over you. A lot of these companies try to nickel and dime people when it comes to healthcare. Fight it you have the paper proof in those pay stubs. I myself had a somewhat similar spat with a employer health insurance carrier, they kept taking out deductions when I was no longer using them. You will get your stimulus check soon. It's good that your'e venting all the b.s they are making you go through. It is good we can talk on this forum and help our fellow forum members.
FLguy: went through all that about Insurance/lapsed/FMLA/UnfitForDuty, etc. It took months, but here's what worked for me, and for one other person.
They claimed I hadn't been working, so I sent copies of my timesheets and my paystubs. They claimed I'd not paid the premiums. I sent the copies of the paystubs with that highlighted, that time. Here's the charm: I always sent it Certified Return Receipt Requested (RRR), so I had proof they got it. On the Return card, I'd write a two or three word identifier - like "TimeSheets 1994", or "IBU Contract Rule 17". There isn't much room on those cards, but I'd write small in a margin, or somewhere.
They'd come up with another lame excuse or outright lie. I'd send them the paperwork for that, with yet another copy of the previous paperwork. Repeat as needed, take 2 aspirins with a full glass of water, and call me Monday if the aspirin didn't work. (I used LOTS of Tumms!)
I had to send copies of the relevant pages of the Contract (Union), and then copies of pages of the Federal FMLA Law, then the State FMLA law, with the relevant sentences highlighted. There were other laws involved, including Federal laws. My knowledge of the Federal Laws was hard won - the Court House had a one bookshelf of the relevant laws. Boy, is that hard reading. It intimidated both the Insurance company and my employer, I found. My employer had a vested interest in not paying the medical costs
By the end, the Post Office Flat Rate envelopes held almost 1/2 inch of paper. (That's a lot of pages and a lot of staples). Each filing included the RRR copies. The "cover letter" listed the new material. At the bottom, there was a list of the "Attached", which was the individual previous submissions. I may have reached "attachment L".
My Lord I got tired of it! (I know I insulted them, but I knew they didn't care or were too stupid to realize it. I'm afraid i got sarcastic and acerbic, towards the end. Imagine that.)
In the end, I wore them down, I think.
The topper? I saved every receipt, like the post office receipts for the Certified mail, etc, and listed it as a medical deduction on my taxes. (It was cancer and amounted to a lot of co-pays, travel for treatment, etc), and the IRS accepted it. I was meticulous about documenting the costs, labeling everything, etc.
Sorry for the length. I sure hope something works for you. Sounds like you are on the right track.
The Feds changed the medical Deduction laws/regulations, later - it takes a higher threshold, now. Not sure where you stand, on that.
Oh my gosh, I really feel for you, for all the BS that the gov't is putting you through. It is hard enough for me to read about it. You have to be really persistent to take action to get what you are entitled to. Take care and breathe.
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