gag reflex


Staff member
is anyone's gag reflex ever triggered by their own smell?

mine is.

and I wondered if anyone knew of a way to stop the reflex from being so intense? (gagging is horrible)
you got me; it is awful. I went to sea for years. Yeah, I got seasick, usually the first storm of the voyage. Then later in the trip, you go down the the head or the berthing area and have to smell it - and that sets off the gag reflex. That'll get to you. Not sure how we did it, but somehow we got through it; not saying we didn't mind the smell (or cleaning up!), but we learned to survive or something. Over the years, it got less, but that gag reflex is so basic, involuntary. The service gave us every anti-seasickness drug they'd ever heard of. Most didn't work. (On D-Day, the troops were given the earliest one. 20% were allergic to it - and guess what their bodies did?)
One thing seemed to help a number of people I knew. There's one with scopamalin (I'm spelling that wrong, but it sounds like the truth serum drug) that came as a patch for behind your ear, good for about 3 days. It was prescription, now I hear it's OTC. It did a pretty good job of preventing seasickness - and of getting you to the point you didn't need it.
Two things I can think of. First, some diapers and pads probably do a better job of odor control. Ask on this forum. Two, ask a doctor about that anti-seasickness drug. You have to use it with care - it has the usual warnings. You know: take with a full glass of water, don't drive or operate heavy machinery, call me Monday Morning if the headache persists. (Just kidding on the water). Most of us got used to the drug, knew or learned how to deal with its side effects (Sleepiness was one). We mostly could taper off more of less permanently, unless Mother Nature decided to remind us never to mess with her. She does that, now and then.
Good luck and God Bless
Just curious - do you not shower? You mentioned before that others have told you that you smell and now you are saying your own scent makes you gag. I personally shower daily (unless I have a day where I’m home alone and have nothing to do) and use wipes at every change and have never had a problem with smell.
Personally, I only had major issues with smell prior to using protection and this was my main reason for using protection in the first place. It's certainly important to get the absorbency right and I find it's important to level up - i.e. the wetness indicator on a Maxi Tena product will completely change colour for me at the end of a working day so I exclusively use the Ultima products now and haven't had any major smell issues since. Also, after a significant bladder or bowel accident, I find it's essential to change ASAP, not just for smell issues but also for comfort. Using plastic pants also helps.

I'll also echo what @justej says about changing, I find that odour isn't an issue when I change fully, i.e. wipes, creams, powder etc. and it's also really important for skincare reasons. Of course, this isn't always possible at work or out and about but find that wipes and antiperspirant creams do a satisfactory job.
Hi Emily, I second what everybody says here. I know gag reflexes are very sensitive and the feeling of gagging really sucks! :( It's kind of like dry heaves. If odor is triggering it for you, if it were me, I would definitely look at the absorbency of the diaper you're using. You may just need to step up to a different brand and/or a higher level of absorbency. Then I would consider a diaper with a plastic backing which could help contain odors. But first, let's try to get to the root of the problem. Urine that stays in the diaper a long time and collects on the skin harbors bacteria which contributes to the odor. There may be an ammonia-like odor too; you certainly don't want it to get to that stage. When it gets to that point, then it's time for a change! At that time definitely use a wet wipe to get all of the old urine, etc. off your skin. You'll immediately feel fresher. And if rash is a problem there have been posts here to recommend certain kinds of ointments. Zinc seems to be an effective ingredient. Or maybe powder. In The States there is a brand called Gold Bond (?) Not exactly sure if that's the right name or not. But is says on the canister it's medicated body powder. It comes in a mustard-yellow canister. Not sure if they have that in U.K., but ask at a chemist's and they will know what you're talking about and can hopefully make a recommendation. The canister says it's a multi-action relief skin protectant. It also absorbs moisture, cools and relieves itching. It smells pretty good, I think. Do pay attention to your skin, especially in warm weather and that should help. :)
Me again, Emily, a couple of hours later. Do you drink much in the way of fluids? Many of us here have talked about hydration, especially important in the summer. When urine gets concentrated it tends to smell stronger than usual. And the best way to do that is to drink more. Ever since I've ben here I've been more aware of trying to drink with some regularity and it's fine. That way when urine is more diluted it should help cut down on odor. And if you drink water (or juice, etc.) on a regular basis I think overall you'll feel better anyway. Cranberry juice is said to be a good juice for the bladder and urinary system. I like the "lite" version as it's less sugary and frankly I think it tastes better.
I hope all of those suggestions including the ones in my post just above, help.
emily91: Just found a good reference. If you don't know what the sport of "Silks" is, this came from there. Thought of you and your issue immediately.
It's used to prevent or deal with Nausea when "spinning" - sort of like we did as kids until we fell down laughing, but this is at a Professional level.
Here's the link: It's free only because of Covid19. I have a subscription to the site.

The site is "Womack and Bowman" and it's a teaching video. At or near the beginning, the woman suggests how to use a trick with your eyes - that's not so pertinent for you, I imagine. What is - at the end - is her "secret" ingredients: Ginger and Kombucha (Not sure of the spelling.) She suggests you can even use the spice form of ginger on the tongue, among other sources, including ginger cookies. (My kind of person.) I'm not familiar with Kombucha. There may be an "essential oil" form of ginger, too. She recommends it for pregnant woman, so it's multi-purpose.
If you are interested, check out you-tube for Silks videos. They'll distract you, for sure!
Boy that was a flash from my past AlasSouth! I do remember spinning around like that when I was a kid and that feeling of nausea, dizziness and falling down laughing. Haven't done that for, well, I won't say how long. But let's just say if that happened to me the real issue wouldn't be so much falling down as getting up again in one piece!! :D If that ginger and kombucha combination is good for pregnant women (and I'm thinking morning sickness) then it might be good for gag reflexes. If those ingredients are easily obtainable there might be something to it!:)
Billliveshere: :) Yeah, waaay too many years! for me too.
The "ingredients" are common, as sources of ginger are varied, and ginger is ginger, in a spice jar or a cookie. Dose? unknown to me, start small and ramp it up. (Don't ramp up the cookies if you need weight control! Sob. :( )
I think I've seen Kombucha in the grocery store, just never needed to pay attention to it. It came up on the internet in several forms. One looked like a box of tea bags, one a liquid. Wife says it's "healthy" (code for "yuck!", in our household).
Sure hope someone comes back with a review.
At sea, we learned that sea-sickness is very individual - some things worked for some, others for -- well, you get the idea.
If it can help with the gag reflex, we did some good for someone.

No one answered the other question:

"Are there brands of diapers and/or pads that do a better job of odor control?"
Besides avoiding asparagus?
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