Fun Hike & Meet Up


Staff member
Hi all,

Earlier this week I met up with a fellow member from the forum for a nice hike (for privacy I won't say their name, they can self identify if they want). We had a good time exploring the trails and taking in the scenery. Some of the shots below are from the hike and a few from a second hike I did later in the day by myself.

Coolest thing about the hike was meeting someone else in person that is dealing with bladder issues too. It was good to see we are just normal people doing normal things despite any issues we might have with bladder control. And it was good to see that behind the screen and forum there was a real person. Pretty cool person at that.

Here is the really interesting thing and probably the most normalizing thing of the whole experience; other than a few comments about the forum and how it is a great place to talk with others to get and give support there was no talk or mention of our bladder issues. Not knowing what to expect I was a little concern that that topic might dominate our conversation during the hike. I would not have been bothered with some talk about my bedwetting but I didn't want to spend the whole time talking about it or the other person's issues. I wanted to enjoy the hike. And that is just what we did, enjoyed the hike. It was just a normal hike between two friends. Now, again, had the topic come up I would not have mind talking about it and would have gladly shared in the conversation, just would not want to spend the whole time talking about it.

I have to say this was the first time meeting someone in person from the forum. I've meet up with people and group I first met online in the past for things like kayaking, biking and hiking but they were from groups, message boards or sites focused on one of those activities. Based on those experiances is where I was concerned about what we would talk about. When I met up with people form the other sites the convention was focused on what we were doing based on the board/forum of the group. In the end, I guess, this ended up the same, we met up to do some hiking and that is what we did and mostly talked about.

All in all a good hike and experience.

I am glad to hear that folks are reaching out to others. This is a great thing. After all we are all just people with different likes and abilities. We won't hit it off with everyone, but even one new best friend is nice, maybe more. The one common denominator is we all sometimes wear a different type of underwear.
So glad you had such a good experience and met another person who is much much more than an issueThere are so many folks here who are intelligent kind and fun and your beautiful photo! Thanks!
Thanks all.

@Doug So true night or day bladder issues did not slow us down or impede our fun.

@richr It was hot at times but the views made up for it.

@snow IKR, I wish we all were not spread out all over the world too, but then the perspectives from all over the world make this a great place to learn and share.

@Bobby103 So right, in any type of group not everyone will get along, but as long as everyone is respectful and considerate it can make for a good time.

@Maymay941 For sure, we are all awesome in our own ways and lives. Incontinence/enuresis is just one element of our lives we work through.
I sometimes wonder if our issues have caused us to be better humans for the most part, by struggling with it we are humbled and when humble we realize the need to be kinder people as like our underwear, problems people cope with are hidden.

For those of us suffering in pain, heartfelt hugs. Pain destroys our nerves.
Without giving away the exact location, can you tell us what state you are in. The pictures are incredible, and it was great you had such a good time!
I was so moved by your story, and I love the photos. Much happiness to you and many more hikes with your new friend..
Great pix and a great post,@Jaytee! I do recognize the great blue heron. We have them at the nature center in Florida where I volunteer. We are always pointing them out to the kids (and hopefully we'll have the kids again sooner than we think!) And we point out that the herons are taller than many of the kids!
The fungus are turkey tail fungus and it's easy to see why they are called that. But we're not going to eat any!
And the bird is an American bald eagle. I tell the kids the best way to tell is the white tail and the white head and brown body.
In reading through this the comments from everyone are wonderful and that's just the way I feel! Everyone here is an interesting, vital person with a whole lot to offer. We are more than just this one little condition which does not in any way shape, form, or fashion define us. It's just a part of us but if there's anything I have learned here it's just as @Maymay941 says, we are intelligent, kind and fun. And that's what counts!!!
And yes, @Doug, there is life after incontinence and even with it! So you guys want to do something, go for it! Try it, you'll like it!
And Jaytee, I liked your comment that you wished we weren't spread out all over the world, but you are so right, all those perspectives from those places make this such a great place to learn and realize how similar our issues and solutions are.
But I think this whole post most accurately defines who we really are! :D:D
Thanks @Ruhappy @jrpoorman , it was a great hike.

@stuart It was in Florida.

@boasammy Awwww thanks. I am happy that you got joy out of my post.

@billliveshere Thanks. I was able to get a few good ones 😆.
Maymay941 said:
I sometimes wonder if our issues have caused us to be better humans for the most part, by struggling with it we are humbled and when humble we realize the need to be kinder people as like our underwear, problems people cope with are hidden.

For those of us suffering in pain, heartfelt hugs. Pain destroys our nerves.

You might be onto a good point there. I know for me that I sometimes get so frustrated that I still at my age pee in the bed and was frustrated a lot more when I was younger it was was just starting. But from that I realized that while I had hidden and stigmatized issues going on with me other people had their own hidden problems, challenges, and issues that they were going through. It opened my eyes to try and not judge people based on what they are showing both in appearance and actions. Good thought you have there.
@Maymay941, You've really hit the nail on the head here! I think that as we face our issues we in turn become more compassionate people. In other words we've been there and are doing that so we are able to empathize with others going through similar challenges.
By the way that top picture does look awfully familiar! I guess if you live in (or have lived in) Florida as I do, it might be easy to recognize! :D
@billliveshere: It looks like Paynes Prairie to me. Of course a huge part of Central Florida looks like this!
@snow Yes they are all over the state, from the Everglades to the panhandle. If in a wilderness area not a guarantee that you will get a sighting but chances are high depending on the location, time of year and time of day.
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