Frustrated with Urologist


Staff member
So, I first came into contact with my urologist by the ER when a kidney stone got stuck and had to end up doing two surgeries.Had an ultra sound that picked up more stones,incomplete bladder empty (which might be my fault since I somtimes have to take my time and go in waves)and a possible enlarged prostate.

This is the actual first time I was able to talk to him.He said my bladder looked fine.He talked to me very briefly about the stones they found,not what they were or how to prevent.In his rush I brought up having to go to the bathroom all the time.He said I should of told him.Fact is I have only seen his Nurse Prac and I mentioned it more than 3 times.He did prescribe ditropan but how do you describe that without even asking a question?

My guess is I am being blown off because my bladder looks fine. Im going to see a neurologist soon to talk about things and I think I am going to talk to them about my bladder.Ive had Anklylising undiagnosed for 25 years so I have alot of pelvic and lower back damage and possible nerve damage.But they blow me off when I talk about it to the urologist.

Sorry if im throwing out a rant today.I just feel like I should live with it.
Or you may have something that doesnt pay him to track down and ties up his time. I have felt too good about docs for too long...i dont anymore and thats a shame because of the good ones
If he’s with a large operation(big university hospital etc) you may get a survey. If you do be honest.
Well that is frustrating! You're not getting your money's worth from this guy! It sounds like the urologist is too focused on your bladder and seems to be in a hurry to have a meaningful discussion on what's really causing the problem. You may have better luck getting the neurologist to listen to you. If so, then maybe the neurologist can recommend a different urologist. You definitely need a doctor who has mastered the art of communicating with his patients.
I keep a spreadsheet with date and event - kidney stone, prostatectomy, phlebotomy, special test MRI, CT, etc

I also find it helpful to have a printed copy of medicines and medical concerns and questions. Ask that the medical concerns be added to your chart. If they say there is not a place, remind them that they are already scanning documents.
If you are not satisfied with your dr, you can change doctors. Ask several people for recommendations. Review practices online to see what kind of ratings they have. I had to change urologists- not because he was a bad dr - but he had way too many patients and could not spend any time wit me. Also his office was understaffed and could not keep up with the patients very well and made a few mistakes with my records. So I just changed and have been very satisfied.
Thank you all for the responses. I'm gonna talk with the neurlogist and see what they think or maybe refer me to a urologist. I should be grateful things do look ok,many on here are suffering far worse.
Change doctors. That doctor is in hurry and probably always will be.I've dealt with multiple doctors like that and always boot them. Talk with one that is actually paying attention to details.It is sad that a lot of docs want to see you and get you out like going through a golden arches drive thru.
Bfuhrman: agree with advice above. If you don't get a Survey, and it is a miltiple doctor place, or a big operation, type of a evaluation of your own. We make no progress if we don't speak up, and you dound articulate, too.
Good luck.
I live in a medium size town every county on our outskirts comes to our hospital and highest population is elderly.The urologist are definitely swamped here.Our system is nice but overcrowded. I end up most of the time being forced to go to a larger city.Which is the case with the neurologist she is at Ohio State medical and she seems to have a lot of reviews stating she takes her time with you. In Ohio it's either Ohio State or maybe cleveland as far as serious help. Thanks all for the advice and listening.
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