Forum Tip, Tips, Search, Searches


Staff member
We can receive email and / or make a thread part of Your Thread (YT) by clicking on the email and / or YT for your thread. I and a few others have wanted to follow a topic, but did not have anything to contribute so we would post "Following" or "I would like to know more".

In a thread or question just below your profile dropdown,

There are check boxes for Email Alerts and YT (Your Thread)

Your Thread - topic will appear on your profile

SEARCH - Searching Forum

You can use the magnifying glass at the upper left to search. Use the advance search to search within topics. You have to search with at least 4 characters.

You may need to search both the singular and plural form of a word such as "clamp" and "clamps"

Press the blue "Show/Hide Advanced Search Options" text to see the advanced search options. Select appropriate items. Note that the search feature seems to only search Active topics.

@thudson1965 - Clearly, snow is right. Alot of us just didn't have a clue. Not a slam. I am right there and willing to learn something that I didn't know before. Thank you. - Pam

I read this a few times and I just realized that I do not have a my Groups tab?

WTH, how, when did that happen?

How do, I use that option?

The short answer is use the following link.

The longer answer is NAFC last post in the following Thread.

Hello all! After a few days of trial and error, we are starting to set up a better system to managing groups. Because it's a manual process to add each of you, we have created a form where you can sign up with your email address and can simply add a checkmark for which group you would like to join. From here on out, we'll add the names to the individual groups on a weekly basis.

You can sign up for groups by clicking this link.

A few things to note, based on some questions we've seen.

-Groups are not replacing anything, and if you join one, it doesn't mean you won't be able to post to the full forum. It's simply a place to discuss topics that you may feel more comfortable discussing within that group.

-At this time, we don't have a way to post to different places at the same time. If you want to post something to a group, and the full forum, you'll need to post it separately to both places.

We are excited to see how this goes, and have other ideas for expanding and improving the forum. Please keep an eye out for a survey from us coming soon!

Other threads returned by Searching For "Groups"

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