Forum/Blog for Erectile Dysfunction


Staff member
Hello All:
I had my prostate removed four months ago. I am 75 years are old and my physical therapist tells me I am doing well, and I do believe my icontinence is beginning to lessen.

I am looking for a forum or blog such as this one that deals with erectile dysfunction. Any help would be appreciated.

I would also be interested in discussion on the subject of ED. I had surgery seven months ago and am 57. Any suggestions on the topic would be appreciated.
There has been some recent discussion on sex & incontinence - try various search terms. Since one of the apparent causes of incontinence seems to be prostate problems and cancer, that meshes with ED. The topic sometimes appears under a different heading, here.
It isn't just the person with ED, as partners try to deal with it and need help/advice too.
If there is a separate forum for that, I've never stumbled on it. There are several solutions for ED, some more comfortable or accessible. Depending, some don't/can't work.
There are prescription meds, in the form of pills - several, now. There is the vacumm pump (prescription, for some dumb reason). There are some reputable "sex-toy" companies, and they may have a non-prescription one(s). The only one that comes to mind is "good vibrations", in San Francisco. (Where else?) I think I have the name correct.
There is a "system" called "muse" - a prescription med is placed inside the urethra.
There is a self-administered prescription shot. Not sure of the drug(s) name, but it is commonly referred to as "bi-mix". It only comes from a "compounding pharmacy", and only certain ones.
Any decent urologist should be able to advise/prescribe. If yours can't or won't, get a different one or ask the clinic/hospital for a referral. The urologist's nurse(s) can offer advice or point you in the right direction, once the uncooperative urologist is out of the room. They've heard it all, so don't worry about them.
Had a couple of "retreats" with the local incontinence/prostate cancer support group. The first one featured 2 urologists, one night. Q & A, too. It just takes one brave guy to get the conversation going, or an understanding Doc. It wasn't a YMCA campfire discussion!
Good luck.
I’m almost 11 months out from my radical prostatectomy and ED really hasn’t improved. I’m 62 and stay in relatively good shape. My new urologist has diagnosed me with low testosterone and prescribed testosterone gel to improve libido which I’ve been on for only 3 weeks. Viagra has only been mildly effective. The pump is a real turnoff in my opinion and also ineffective. I’m hoping to regain some natural function at some point. Injections or implant surgery have no appeal at all. Wish I had done more homework on this subject prior to my surgery.
I pinned the Doctor to the wall like a insect in a specimen case, and got the "real" word on the implant. Far as I'm concerned, I'm with you on that one.
You can really offend a nurse by saying, "I'm thinking about just letting nature take it's course." Did that on another medical issue. Got tired of the line "It beats the alternative." That's their take, not mine.
I'm not sure what's left for us to do, besides that. Like you, I'm one of the ones who feel we weren't properly informed. We are all looking for a better alternative. What do you suggest? It can be a bleak world, full of bad choices.
Not meaning to offend, was just trying to go down the list of possibles.
Not sure what to say, but still wishing you the best.
I feel I was well informed. My urologist locally, (I went to a highly reputable hospital in another city for surgery), gave me a book on prostate cancer to read prior to surgery. It covered treatment options for the cancer, as well as discussed the possibility of incontinence and related treatment. Lastly, there is much discussion in the book on subsequent ED following radical prostatectomy and all of the treatments that are currently recommended. So I feel I was well informed. I would just like to hear about others’ experiences.

As far as letting nature take its course, that may be what happens. To me, ED is a now a side effect of a shot at living a longer life. I can do almost anything I want and feel good. ED does concern me quite a lot, but I will get through this. Stay positive and enjoy life.
Call this fellow, Keith
He has about 40 people from all over once a month on Skype or just a call in group discussion.
I'm 73 and had prostrate surgery in January 2021. My doctor gave me material on what to expect pre and post surgery including statistics on ED and incontinence recovery results. However, I found that the information is meaningless until you find out the type of cancer you have and most importantly where it is located on the the prostrate. I was hopeful and thought possible recovery would occur around 18 months or maybe longer due to my age. However, surprisingly, I started recovering potency a week after my cath was removed. At my follow up visit with the surgeon, he explained that my cancer was located in a good place so he was able to save the nerves around the prostrate. He prescribed Cialis which I take at bedtime and I use a pump. He explained that it is important to use the pump and take the Cialis so as to get blood flowing into the penis to prevent atrophy. Pre surgery I had resigned myself to the fact I was going to have ED. I suggest having a conversation with your surgeon or urologist to find out, based on the post surgery pathology report, what your situation is and your chance of recovery.

It's ironical but I have about 15 relatives and close friends who had prostrate surgery and we openly discussed our incontinence recovery but never about ED so I couldn't tell you how my experience compared to theirs.
was ina clinical trial - sounds like my cancer was both more dangerous and more advanced. Toldme they'd have to take the nerve. They took everything including one node. I got a LOT of info about the cancer, little about the aftereffects, except a book which is vastly changed for the better, i gather, from my suport group which isn't meetng due pandemic. they seemed unsure how bad & how long the incontinence would last, but didn't really go into that very well. they did attempt to treat the ED,later., but i had to ask.
I want to thank everyone for their responses to my question about finding a forum/blog that deals with ED, and a special thanks to Gkudisch for putting me in touch with Keith.

I understand the success rate for overcoming ED after prostate removal is low, especially for a 75 year old man like myself, but I am hopeful I will be successful and restart my sex life.
Keep in mind that orgasms still occur even with ED. You don’t need an erection for that to happen just a very willing and patient partner which luckily I have.
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