Flank pain and trouble through the day


Staff member
Hey gang,

So I’ve been continuing to wear diapers to bed at night. Wet every morning but I’m sleeping!!!

But this last week. My pee was cloudy then I had pain like I was passing a kidney stone. Now my urge incontinence is so bad I haven’t been able to make it to the bathroom all day. Been wearing tabbed briefs all day.

Anyone every have this issue? I have an overactive bladder but it normally doesn’t cause me to lose control of my bladder during the day. I get one sec of feeing I need to go and then it just comes gushing out.

I’m new to the day time wetness. any thoughts?

Also, I’ve tried all kinds of diapers. How do you guys use the ones from tranquility or Abena? One surge pee and I leak. I’ve been trying rearz and tykables. Work great but dang they are loud and bulky
Try northshorecare.com they give samples out upon request, they are in Illinois and I'm in Arizona takes about3/4 days to get order. They also have very helpful sales reps. they have been in business for the last 21 yrs that I know of.
@Greg thanks for the info! Part of me thinks some brands just don’t fit right. Also wish the ones I got didn’t have prints on them. But I guess it doesn’t matter as long as they work right?

@may941 I have a procedure on Thursday for bladder and pelvic floor injections then biopsy of uterus. Think it’s ok to just wait and mention it then? Then between now and then just wear diapers throughout the day and take some pain meds?
The ABRUPT change of your urination, pain in general, leg pain and cloudy urine is your body telling you STOP LOOK and LiSTEN
Please get to a doctor before the other appointment because they should be able to straighten you put but this is not business as usual for your body.
MIGHT be just a simple matter to resolve with simple medication but that for your medical person to sort out.
Abrupt changes and psin say LISTEN UP
@may941 Thank you! I’ll call on Monday. I have had kidney stones before so I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. I also know I’ve had bladder issues when I have a UTI.

OAN. This might be tmi but anyone can answer. Is it possible to develop a rash in 48 hours? It’s just pee. And I’m doing a good job cleaning each time I switch out. Any thoughts?
It is possible to get a raah quickly and possibly related to a higher concentration of something in your current urine or even diapers 24/7.
Get some zinc oxide cream for diapers rash in tbe baby aisle they make great cream for babies that will protect healthy and sooth.
Ps I have to go to the general forum and open each post to see is newly written on posts im following so if you want to message me for support or questions please do. I know what assault does to us and its important to feel you have a support person when dealing with med staff,
With you in this journey to a better life.
@may941 Thank you!

It seems like the symptoms from the assault just keeping coming. And I live with family and they love to crack the jokes when they hear a crinkle when I walk around. But honestly with today, it was either that or go to the bathroom 10 times an hour. But once I put a diaper on my pelvic floor muscles actually relaxed! Not sure why but the feeling was so relaxing. I have super tight pelvic floor muscles from the assault which I also heard can cause bladder control issues
Some people laugh and crack jokes when they are nervous or uncomfortable and don't hsve the maturity to find their words. Its very unfortunate they have such limits and must be stressful living with that.
Its great that you found a way to handle your incontinence and its true, Northshore has very supportive helpful staff for finding a diaper that will fit your needs and send various samples.
As I said, and you know, a sudden change in pain and frequency of urination is something else and you need to be kind enough to yourself to treat it. Your body got you this far, it relies on you to be kinder to it than anyone outside can do.
@Dkscray255 you are not alone. I’ve had a really aggressive UTI for the past several weeks that isn’t interested in responding to first or second line antibiotics. I’m not usually one to wet during the day, but as soon as I’ve had the urge lately I lose control. I’m just trying to suck it up and make peace with wearing protection while my GP and urologist work out what’s going on. I hope you’re able to find some relief soon. Peeing razor blades is a really terrible time.
@Rowan123 sorry you relate but it’s nice knowing you understand. I’m hoping that is what it is and I can get my bladder control back soon. After drinking cranberry juice yesterday and pushing a bunch of fluids, it seems better today. But still don’t have the bladder control :(
Definitely check out Northshore and I also recommend betterdry. It’s what I use and the fit is perfect. Your mileage may very though. Sorry to hear about the assault. I was assaulted when I was in my early 20s. It’s got nothing to do with my incontinence but I get what you’re going through. I hope you find some help and I agree with may go to the doctor earlier rather than later.
@justej I’m going to have them send me some samples. Hoping once I go to the doc this coming week the during the day wetting will stop. Or at least have an end in site. Night time ones I’m good. Keep me dry the whole night. The ones I wear right now from rearz have a fresh scent to them so the odor protection is on point

Blood in urine. That’s all the info I have for now. Still wetting multiple diapers throughout the day. Continue to wake up wet in the morning.

Having one of those nights where I’m just exhausted and wish I had concrete answers.
Hi @Dkscray255, Please get it checked out for sure if there's blood. Has UTI been ruled out at this point?
From what my Docs have told me, whenever you get blood in a place it’s not supposed to be your body will attempt to get rid of it by whatever means... If you have bloody urine, which I still get at times from the cysts in my bladder it goes nuts. Just like you mentioned, every few minutes another spasm, another high powered low volume flush of my bladder.
I had 10 hours of surgery on my mouth and jaws last Wednesday, another left over from my last accident and I woke up puking blood! It scared the “Heck” out of me thinking what went wrong this time? Only to have the nurse assure me it’s just blood I swallowed during surgery. It took until Friday to stop, but as May said, I hope you’ve already seen a Doc by now, it’s nothing to mess with.
As far as the snide comments from your family, I agree that it’s probably nothing more than they just don’t know how to deal with this, so out of their own discomfort they say stupid and hurtful things. Don’t let their limited abilities hurt you, it sound like you’ve been hurt enough already. Please keep us posted.
Update :)

Flank pain is gone. UTI and kidney stone. Had trigger point injections done to pelvic floor two weeks ago. No more accidents during the day!!!!

Back to just wearing diapers at night for bed wetting
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