First time with slips (taped nappies)


Staff member
So after not finding a pull up that felt right and didnt leak after always discreet pull up night time was discontinued i will be trying slips for the 1st time tonight. They kind of give me the oppinion that i either need to be really old or a baby to use them especially when in the diagrams it obviously showing someone else helps to put them on and the standing up person is elderly. How do you overcome this feeling the pants were hard enougth when my partner first saw them on me but wearing basically a big nappy/diper im not sure if they will think its to much and i should just deal with the pull ups and sheet washing
I'm wondering if a side guard pad on each side put in the pull up would catch the leaks for you?
I do understand for some partners its too much a visual thing. Do you have pajamas or a night gown that you can put your brief on in the WC and come to bed clothed?
@Maymay941 yes i wear pyjamas but tend to just keep the top on once in bed so if the duvet slips of etc he will see plus i find even the pull ups were visable through pjamas and used to come up to high on the waist. Extra pads may be an option if i can get the hang of these thanks x
It took me years to get over it. I think its just a matter of deciding on if washing sheets is practical for you or you prefer the convenience of having a product to handle the problem.
But I understand your concern, its not a pleasant feeling especially if you have the stigma of what a diaper is engrained in your head. I know as a kid, I grew up with teasing from my family over being in a diaper so I think that explained my reluctance to accept using them as an adult.
Hi @Alana, we haven't seen you here in awhile and I hope things are going well for you. I think @Maymay941 has a good suggestion about the side guard pad on each side and you could still do your pull ups. That is worth thinking about!
But since you already got the "slips," give them a try and see how they work. You know this incontinence is a matter of experimenting and sometimes we need to find several options before we hit on the one that's most right for us! And that goes with the territory!
And do have a frank discussion with your partner to gauge and exchange your feelings, etc. If something like this is out in the open then it would be easier for all sides to accept it and not have doubts as to what the other person may be thinking.
I see exactly what you mean by the diagram, with a person using a walker and the other is bedridden. I think the company really needs to update their diagrams to be more inclusive of people of all ages and activity levels. They need to realize that incontinence is not just an issue with the elderly but is something that people of all ages deal with. The way I see it if you're old enough to have a urinary system, then you're old enough to have problems with it and that goes for every body system as well! But just give the "slips" a try for a few nights. If they don't work then you can donate them to a thrift shop or a hospital or something like that.
I really hope this helps! If it still isn't right please let us know and we'll try to come up with something!
@Alana I can relate. I felt awful the first time I used taped products for IBS issues. Indeed, I threw most of the pack away and then ended up buying another pack because I realised that I did really need protection. I'd wear them during IBS flare ups at night and whilst travelling but I could never see myself using taped products regularly for my urinary issues. However, I started using taped products 24/7 as guards weren't cutting it and pull ups were annoying to change when out and about. Then, since the summer my urinary incontinence issues have got a lot worse (probably due to other health issues) and anything less than a taped product doesn't tend to end well.

All I can say is that for me it got easier and I think nothing of wearing them now. I agree that the Tena packaging can be quite disheartening. I found that just taking them out of the packet and leaving them in a draw makes me feel better. I'm 29 and agree that it's annoying that incontinence seems to be presented as a thing that just affects people at both extremes of the age spectrum.

I guess for me it ultimately comes down to the positives outweighing the negatives. I've found pull ups leak all the time for me now as my issues have gotten worse.
Hi Sci Fi, Haven't heard from you in a while too! You've probably been busy with school, which is good! At least they are still having school!
That was a very good post from you. I know that the very first time you have to use protection it is a very odd feeling and one that can be disheartening as well. It's a matter of thinking, "I really don't need something like this.....Do I?" But then you do realize that the "something like this" is just what you need and you adapt to it. And a lot of us have gone the route of using only guards, then upgrading to pull-ups and if they don't work then it's finally the taped products.
And you're so right,. It does get easier and you do get used to it. Myself I really think nothing of wearing the pull ups and would really panic if for some reason I had to be away from home for a while and knew I wasn't wearing anything. And that would be the time when I'd really need it, too! But you are right in that the positives really do outweigh the negatives.
I definitely agree with you and Alana that the diagrams on the package leave lots to be desired! They need to seriously be updated! to include the entire population and not just the elderly and the bedridden.
Since that product is made somewhere "over there" across the pond (at least for me!) if someone can make a pitch to the manufacturer to at least update their diagrams and info to show that the need to use those products affects all ages and activity levels. It would probably be a simple matter to change those diagrams and we, who are active, may be able to feel a bit less stigmatized buying and using them. Just a thought!
You make me realize the hidden stereotyping, and lack of empathy (maybe to the point of discrimination). My mother used to say that you have to be so careful not to use stereotypes or let prejudice work it's hidden way out. She edited children's books, and once ended up kicking herself over one she let slip by her. During her career as a children's librarian, the "N"-word got defaced in the Mark Twain book (Huckleberry Finn?), and it used to upset her - not the defacing, but the feelings seeing that word caused the reader. She couldn't take it off the shelf, but she could warn a reader. But when you high school teacher assigns it?
So, why can't the manufactures of Incontinence products figure it out?
You wonder, sometimes, about the package and literature designers.
Think back - or look back - at the way women were depicted and talked to in advertising, in the 1950s, and even the 60s. Doing house cleaning in what we'd call business dresses and high heels and full makeup?

What were they thinking???
@billliveshere Cheers! I don't post as often partly because of health reasons. Work is really killing me so I basically just come in and sleep in the evening. I do think something needs to be done in terms of a public campaign. It seems that there are a fair few young people with issues on here and there must be more around. As someone who's had mental health issues and has autism, the stigma around those has been greatly reduced over the years - it seems incontinence is one that is still something people don't talk about.
I wear slips at night and at first it felt strange but I got used to them very quickly and now it is just normal to put one on before bed.I wear them on long journeys too for extra protetion.
Hi Alana,

The first step is to think of them as pads, not nappies or diapers. I got through the humiliation by wearing a tighter pair of pants over them and I could still pull them down and up again to use the toilet. The pad was there to catch the leaks and post dribbles and accidents so I didn't mind wearing protection. It's just a matter of finding the right fitting product for you. You will get over this feeling so don't worry about it. I hope we can all help you through this step. xxx
@billliveshere thanks tried last night and much comfier and no leaks although was a bit awkward getting them on. Partner hasnt said anything hes usually understanding think its just me being over consious of seeing them as nappies insted of pads/slips i have 5 children and was a nursery nurse so lots of nappies and the assosiation of them being for babies and toddlers is well fixed in my head. I was lucky to find someone local selling a few packs cheep so i got them basically half the price of the shops but even then i felt i had to say they were for my grandma to take any stigma away from me. Im a very self conscious person so will take a while but its nessasery and if i get a full week with no leaks then it will be worth it. Definitely going to email tena about the packaging x
@laalaauk Thankyou tight pants over the top is a great idea didnt think of that. And pads is definitely the right word i mean whats 'slips' all about!
@Stevewet @Sci_Fi_Fan @Maymay941 @AlasSouth @billliveshere @JC1471 Thanks for your good advice once again. Im going to email tena to disscuss this more and will probally include a list of different medical conditions etc that can result in incontinence and also the age range those conditions can effect: basically any age. Will let you know if they reply xx Take care xx
Hi Alana, Your idea to email Tena sounds like a real plan to me! I like it! So go for it! You have really thought it out well and I think you can make some really convincing points! And it will be interesting to see what they say if as and when they reply!
It would still be good if you can discuss your feelings about this with your partner and I understand your feelings about it. But the way I see it, it's just best to take the plunge and get it out into the open! I can understand why you're self-conscious especially given your experiences with kids and having been a nursery nurse with all of those nappies. So I guess we can just refer to them as pads and not nappies. That may help make things easier. It's wonderful that you've had all that experience with kids and working in the nursery as a nurse is a really worthwhile and important job.
It's good you found a place where you can buy them cheaply. But chances are the checkout person really didn't give what you bought a second thought. I used to feel the same as you do, saying "Oh, they're for my ....." But it really isn't necessary. After all what you buy is your business and it shouldn't raise any more eyebrows than if you buy a tube of toothpaste. I now take the attitude, "so what? I'm not buying it for them, I'm buying it for me!"I used to feel the same way you do so I understand the mindset. Get more practice and the buying experience becomes easier! As the cashier sees it, it's just another day at work, five o'clock can't come fast enough and she still gets paid!
@Alana Cuts down the crinkle sound when you walk too. Looks kind of normal with a pair of pants over. xxx
Here’s something really gross: because I had a third/degree burn 8”x9” on my left buttock, which required five surgeries, and because I landed on a sharp rock spire on it going 25mph, it split in half horizontally. My left buttock is a different size and shape from my right; totally disgusting. So in a weird way, a pull-up evens my buttcheeks out. I can’t believe I’m revealing this grossness, but there it is. At least I still have a pretty face!
@snow ouch!!!! Dont envy you there that must have been awful for you. Suppose thats a plus for the pull ups. Hope all your surgeries are over now and its not still causing physical pain. And yes i suppose it could have been worse i.e your face x

No, not really 'gross' or 'weird' at all. More like unintended or unanticipated benefits when using incontinence padding. Here is my personal take on that: A lady friend endured polio as a kid and she once confided to me one of her incontinence secrets -- the use of pullups or adult diapers helped restore the feminine curves that polio muscle weakness & atrophy from the waist down had denied her. Voila` -- she looked absolutely fab in jeans, believe me!
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